by on June 27, 2020
My 15 gram Mushroom Trip   Let me start out by giving you a bit about my background, I am 53 years old. I suffer from severe depression. I was abused terribly by my parents, both physically and mentally. I was abandoned in Las Vegas by my mother when I was 14. She was convicted of abuse and neglect. I was emancipated by the state at 17 and went to work doing construction. By this time I was well on my way to being an addict. My entire life has been spent chasing the next high, It doesn't m...
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by on May 12, 2020
The other night I ate 3g of cubensis. I ate them with a friend but we soon went to seperate rooms which gave me opportunity to sit in silent darkness and listen to what the universe had to say to me. I became one with all that has ever been and all that will ever be. I vibrated with the energy of mountains as well as the stars. I felt every emotion possible and realized how connected we all are. I was shown the wiring under the board and came to the realization that our universe isn't the only o...
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by on May 11, 2019
My first trip on mushrooms was beautiful. The days leading up to my trip I ate very healthy and meditated twice daily also cleared my environment of stresses to ensure a really good trip. Went into this looking for a spiritual awakening or some self reflection and improvement. Finding mushies was actually quite hard for me, but the ones I found were great. I took 4.5gs with strawberries to counter the taste, worked great. Right after eating I sat down with my sister and started watching Across t...
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by on October 31, 2019
I had quite the experience on my last and highest dose that Ive wanted to share properly for almost 6 months. So I think to myself one day, hey, im an experienced psychonaut. So like a dumbass I decide to take this dose at a park on a hammock like kennedy decided to go to the moon. Alls cool until the come up when I realize that no way I could do this anywhere except my bed what was I thinking! So... I decided to drive back to my house down the street less than 10 mins away, and oh yeah I lived...
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by on February 6, 2022
Last monday i had a powerfull experience on 5,2 gram TAT's. I was at my place by my self and prepared a paste made from a powderd TAT cluster, i added a teaspoon of honey, a bit of salt and lime juice. Mixed it all together untill i had a smooth silver lookin paste, on the side a brew of ceremonial cacao tea. I always like to write down an intension to offer myself something to focus on when the trip takes hold. I used the same intension that i worked with in my 2 previous experiences which wa...
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by on April 21, 2019
I was experiencing some discomfort on 4g of shrooms and this is what the plant spirits told me... “everything is fine, you're just waking up...just breathe, it's peaceful here, you're just moving up vibrations fast and it's's intense but peaceful ...sure, your skin doesn't feel like it's attached to your body right now and you are a vast, infinite cosmic orgasm floating in the abyss's ok...keep breathing...everything is divine and perfect, let go!” It was a weird...
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by on March 11, 2020
So, like an ignorant and new psychonaut who had watched a lot of YoutTube videos and thought I could handle a bit more than my first 5g trip (which I enjoyed). I decided that I would go with a fasted state, 8gram Lemon Tek dose. Little did I consider that my 5g trip a few months earlier had been done on a full stomach and made into a milkshake which would have lowered the effects quite a lot. Never the less.... ...
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by on May 2, 2020
So last night I took 3.2g of my first ever grow of mushrooms, ground up in gel caps. After the 45 min mark I decided to lay on my bed, listening to some meditation music and wait for the onset. Things started to get going around the hour mark, nice mild visuals, I was like cool, here we go. Then I started to get toothache, something I've had for a week or more. I was like shit, I can't go through this trip with toothache, so I googled if it was ok to take paracetamol and ibuprofen, struggling to...
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by on March 7, 2021
Trip Report Substance: Psilocybin Mushrooms (Penis Envy) Dosage: 14g 8:45pm: Knowing I was gonna trip, I didn’t eat all day. Consumed the mushrooms. I always find that smoking a bong of some good weed somehow will make the effects come faster, so I figured I’d do so....
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by on November 15, 2020
I ate 14 grams of mushrooms. Let me give some backstory. I finished school in 1997 i was 17,my father signed a waiver for me to enlist in the Army. 11-bravo. I was deployed 4 times. After being wounded  pretty badly i got out in 2006. I then was"recruited" to contract for the Government,i did until 2012. I was able to hide my ever growing drug addiction that came about after my 2nd deployment. I was always into Mushrooms Dmt as well as Lsd. I used drugs to kill my self loathing and hate i had fo...
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by on January 2, 2021
I noticed that a lot of people take trips while watching TV being around others or just for fun or to escape a painful or less than fulfilling life, but I have personally found a way to do real personal work and powerful change work in my life. The most powerful process I've ever found is to spend 3 weeks or more with no media inputs whatsoever lots of solitude. And the reason for this is that most of the thoughts bouncing around in her head are not even our own and when everything that's coming...
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by on November 9, 2019
Had previously tried vaporizing dimethyltryptamine on a few separate occasions, to not much avail. Upon research I learned that it could be converted with lemon juice to become orally active after ingestion of a MAOI(Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor?), so I proceeded to locate some syrian rue seeds, 3 grams worth to be exact, that I ground in a coffee grinder and put into some 00 size capsules. Took the Rue caps and waited around 40-45 minutes, then I prepared the Dimitri by putting into a shot glass...
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by on January 6, 2022
At the beginning of my trip I was sent to a different dimension. The whole room turned white and a Banshee came out and went Skreeeeeeeee (High pitch scream.) After I encountered this horrific being I saw my fiancee emotions come alive. It was filled with sadness and pain that I didn't know what to do but cry. During the whole journey I had to fight to get through every challenge I was put through. I encountered Mayan gods and man they weren't happy to see me. In fact I was being tormented left ...
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by on September 19, 2022
I’ve been microdosing for about 1 month… .30g 2x a week. I am not the same person that I was before psilocybin. Who on earth would ever go back to the matrix as we know it. Happy to call you all family!
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by on December 13, 2021
Yesterday I had my mentor and closest friend come over for a 5G heroic dose. We ate the bowl of PE6 I weighed out and drinked some Ginger tea in order to help with any nausea from the come up. He really enjoyed the PE6 strain and told me it tasted like Blueberry. I noticed it to and it went down so easy. After we started getting comfortable I lit some incense around my home and had all the lights off except for the Christmas tree. We had some Jazz play on my Bluetooth speaker and we started talk...
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by on May 20, 2020
   First, I want to warn any readers that this may be a long winded report and to feel free to skim along if desired.    I had moved to Denver the previous year and had no real intention to pursue these beautiful substances, but I will address this misconception later. My relationship with these substances has been changed forever. The opportunity came about as a coworker of my roommate at the time had gotten into many substances outside psychedelics. My roommate had taken a small dosage of mus...
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by on March 14, 2022
10 grams of ground Melmac into a mug filled with lemon juice. I let the grounds soak for about 30 mins and the mixture turns a extremely dark blue that I called black. I then proceeded to drink the potion pulp and all. Within 15 mins I became cold and anxious. Naturally I pulled a blanket over me to get comfortable. All the while my visuals were taking off behind my eye lids. Shadowy demonic figures climbing through mirrors. It made me feel a bit paranoid. So I was trying to keep my eyes ope...
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by on September 6, 2019
Background: Freshly broken up with my ex this June on a Friday morning. It was rather sudden so my weekend had cleared of any plans. I had been rather depressed and thoughts of suicide most days of the week. I decided that a major trip to reset my mind and help me figure out my next step in life was the best idea for the weekend. So I went home and prepped my bedroom to trip (music, Bob Ross, lava lamp and drinks) 6:00pm Eat 2 1 gram 63% cacao chocolates I made as well as a 56 gram penis envy I...
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by on February 15, 2020
Hi guys! I would like to describe my "bad trip" that landed me in the hospital with mushrooms as well as ask for way to avoid this situation in the future. I haven't tried mushrooms again since this experience, but have been looking into tea or other ways to consume psilocybin.  A few years ago I lived in an apartment with 4 of my friends, they were more experienced with psychedelics than I was at the time and we decided to take mushrooms one night. I believe I had 3-4 grams all together and ...
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by on December 12, 2020
Normally my psilocybin trips are filled with enlighten discoveries and overall a better understanding of my own psyche. I can say that most of my psychedelic trips aren't "fun" because of the rollercoaster of emotions I personally go through. A few days ago I had taken 3.5g of some shrooms my friend had grown and harvested by herself. I started off feeling very odd, my chest was heavy and my throat felt itchy and as if I had a huge mass stuck there. Trying to understand where this feeling was co...
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by on October 13, 2021
There’s a lot to like about liberty caps, and one of these is the delicious flavour.  I drank the dark brown tea and it tasted strong and beefy.  The last time I had liberty caps, it was 6.5g.  This time I only had 5g, plus 20g of fresh cubes. The 6.5g trip had been an absolute classic, with highlights like getting a golden body, watching my body evaporate into stars, and having nymphs dressed in Santa bikinis dancing round me, as well as a bunch of animal spirits who popped in to chill with me....
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by on November 23, 2021
Saturday night, I weighed out 12g of dried cubes, broke them into pieces and put them in the French press with a pint of water just off the boil. I fasted all day, so these were going to go down on an empty stomach, but at the last minute I chickened out and put the cafetiere in the fridge to chill.  I was hungover from Friday, and it was quite late, like 11pm, and I didn’t want to spend all night tripping.  I’ve never taken this amount all in one go before, and I wanted to make sure everything ...
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by on March 23, 2022
It has been awhile since I have taken a journey so I decided to take it slow back at 4.3g before I decide to do a Hero again. Originally I was going to do this at the cabin on my trip. However, my 6 hour hike to the hot springs ended up replacing that. So basically the first phase of my trip was going out into nature and then returning home to work on myself some more healing wise. After eating the 4.3g of JMFs and drinking my ginger tea I went to go sit on the couch and watch Encanto with my be...
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by on August 15, 2019
So I recently got my hands on some albino penis envy. I have done who knows how many mushrooms this summer but certainly more than I ever had at any other point in my life. I knew that the apes were probably much more potent than my usual supply and probably should have taken less, but I was cocky and wanted to push it as far as possible. So I didn't eat anything before I started because I wanted to get the most of them. I set aside 10g and began to eat them but I only made it through about 8 o...
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