October 31, 2019
Category: Psilocybin
I had quite the experience on my last and highest dose that Ive wanted to share properly for almost 6 months. So I think to myself one day, hey, im an experienced psychonaut. So like a dumbass I decide to take this dose at a park on a hammock like kennedy decided to go to the moon. Alls cool until the come up when I realize that no way I could do this anywhere except my bed what was I thinking!
So... I decided to drive back to my house down the street less than 10 mins away, and oh yeah I lived next to the police station at the time. The whole ride home and walk inside I just imagined myself in a straight jacket after they caught me I was freaking out so bad. I got inside climbed in bed and as I laid, hanging on for dear life, there it went. In a microsecond my consciousness was expanding outward, encompassing to the entire planet. I was in everyone's consciousness and them in mine, at once, In real time. Hearing their thoughts and them all understanding im in there, everyone started freaking out. I got instantly famous and rich and I was popping up on everyones phone, computer and every tv and radio station on the planet at once. Was then discovered by all the 3 letter angencies and was going to be killed by them. Basically after the consciousness fully expanding being subject to VIOLENTLY feeling a time loop of the energy of the big bang, which I WAS, on complete repat for millions of cycles. This was mentally and physically was so powerful it hurt attempting to comprehend it. I then gained momentum towards the start of life in the universe and started moving time forward and backward for everyone in history, birthing and killing them uncontrollably by speeding up and reversing time and hearing them all suffer, laugh, cry and all emotions of every human experienced in all of history. It was so horribly sad and all my own uncontrollable doing, but then everything froze. I flashed back to almost dying, there was a war going on for my life. All the good souls of earth infront of my house defending me from those about to attack and kill me and it was global news, WW3, for me. Then the sky opened up and now this shit is the fucking climatic end of the world, like something out of the bible. everyone just stares up. before any fighting happens from the world standoff or natural disaster, an alien intervention. imagine zooming out to a view of the earth, then a UFO 10x the size pull up in the to stop the war and cataclysm, then another zoom out, beings in ships 100x larger appeared, all the wayout and up to 100000000x larger ships with billions of actual Gods that ruled all lower beings, u
Including celestials like suns, and earths. they paused everything in existence with their presence and they came down to explain to all life forms that I was one of them, a long lost god. Nothing could hurt me because I realized I was already everyone in existence. I was everyone before! a slave, a king, someone who died in a war or disease, lived in abundance, every cop, judge, criminal who rotted their life in jail, and spiritual savior/messiah in all of time, and had to be all of those to be the me I now am, and nothing anyone could do to me would harm me, because that cycle will continue. Besides, it would only harm themselves and everything we do to others, we actually only do to ourselves. Also realized I couldnt die because I was still here and now, and because of that, a neccessary piece of universal existence. the only other way i could die was to never exist, and if was the case, nothing could ever exist, but i was everyone and everything that ever existed and will continue to exist :) Then i watched as everyone who had ever been good to me was saved and everyone bad to me blew away like dust in the wind and a split down the middle of the earth, screaming, and the bad melting in both soul and physical. This was it, the end of the world. I and all those kind to me in life, our souls were saved, as we were the pure energy in the universe that was moving onto the evolution of the next universe. Not that just those unpure souls died, they were wiped from the priviledge of ever existing and completely undone from space and time. after that it was a celebration of overwhelming tranquility with all that exists and every being in the universe. My street was the center of heaven and a floating paradise in cosmic infiniteness, looking something like in the Zathura movie. I also watched the grass outside grow and die, grow and die on infinite repeat in a cycle fast as all hell, lightspeed really. on the comedown which felt like i was still never going to return to my body, I sneezed on my bed and felt I was feeding it some kind of information or something which would actually, if i fed enough, evolve it into a sentient conscious being and wondered how different the planet would be if humans went bathroom outside and actually fed the ecosystem like all other life instead of wasting our compost in toilets. if this would be some wild alien planet, or what lmao. Next thing I know I had pissed my bed like a 5 year old and laughed my god damn ass off while gathering my sheets for laundry. listened to hendrix sitting on my shower floor for a while and felt like i just got sucked into a black hole and spit out again. It was so paradoxically peaceful, whole, and tranquil. later i tried to verbalize all takeaways to a buddy and probably sounded like a lunatic, but it all happened.
Infinite spiritual life lessons along the way, it was just so unimaginably intense that theres actually no way to convey the full depth of your experience at certian levels. It also allowed me to lose fear of dying completely as this is something that has been very prevalent lately. I was diagnosed with a extremely rare immune disease 2 years ago and everything is 100% different now. Living this one to the max guys. Experience overwhelmingly and live fully friends.
Life is the trip, much love, safe and mystical travels. Thank you for taking the time to come on a mini version of the greatest experience of my psychonaut journey, as everything that ever existed, in all dimensions at once.
Also, make sure your tank is empty before a long one in hyperspace :(3)