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Question asked "What's on my mind?" Well if you really want to know...
Saw something on YouTube and it was describing the difference between Human Souls and "Angel" Souls...of course it was a biblical ... View More

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I agree with the message. Who knows about the rest. Interesting to think about for sure.
Like March 24, 2023
Fell asleep listening to a Carlos Castaneda audiobook "The Power of Silence" and woke up to "The Eagles Gift"... and heard this so it's going onto my Timeline.
"I am already given to the power that rul... View More

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posted a trip report.
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I shared this report because it connects alot of dots. It's not scare you but prepare you...but as always Feel Free to Disagree.
Like January 9, 2023
@NotAMycologist I believe that we are in Hell now by virtue of the fact that not knowing our True Divine selves were just living in an illusion. Thier is a quote I like to use whenever I deal with Satanic entities... "When you learn to Love Hell you'll be in Heaven" I tried banishing them , cursi... View More
Like January 10, 2023
Another Afterthought/insight/clarification about my trip report became clearer last night for me .. So I commented that the Egyptian monoliths, structures, layout with the Earth and the Stars mimicks what I saw in that other Dimension... I was watching YouTube and the answer came within a video abou... View More
Like January 10, 2023
@Pescado_tan_Abajo Interesting I didn't actually "meet" God I just saw every cell in his body as a Universe...blew me away because it really did look like a Giant Serpent/Dragon/Yaldabaoth (again look at the Vatican Hall they even saw it represented it at "holy city")... As far as being "chosen" th... View More
Like January 10, 2023
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