Hailey Nicole
by on February 15, 2020

Hi guys! I would like to describe my "bad trip" that landed me in the hospital with mushrooms as well as ask for way to avoid this situation in the future. I haven't tried mushrooms again since this experience, but have been looking into tea or other ways to consume psilocybin. 

A few years ago I lived in an apartment with 4 of my friends, they were more experienced with psychedelics than I was at the time and we decided to take mushrooms one night. I believe I had 3-4 grams all together and I ate them all at once. I asked what to expect or how I will know its "working," my friends said if your stomach hurts a little bit it means you are digesting and the trip should follow shortly after. I have was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 17 and have had 3 surgeries and physical therapy to keep it under control. I kind of laughed at them and said "belly pain" okay... I deal with that on a daily basis so this should be easy peasy! Lets go!

About 40 minutes after taking our doses, I saw everyones eyes starting to get low- like they hit a weed bowl almost- and I asked if they were feeling it yet. They said they were starting to get tracers and little trails when they looked at things. My stomach started cramping worse than it ever had before, I squeezed my little belly roll and was pacing back and forth in the small kitchen area and starting to freak out... the pain was so intense, like someone wrapped my uteus in barbed wire and yanked on it. Sharp stabby pains kept coming in waves and I was honestly worried at this point because if I really was having a bad reaction all my friends are now super stoned and most likely wont be much help. I told them I needed to go home and couldnt be in the environment right now and I did.

I drove about 30 minutes home to calm myself down and it worked until half way home the street lights started getting super luminous and bright. I made it home safely and I swear it felt like as soon as i turned my car off and pulled the keys out of the ignition, the pain started again. I tried to talk myself out of it saying "Hailey youre ok, you just think it hurts worse than it does, etc." I went inside and down in the basement and my boyfriend at the time was sleeping, I tried to lay down and just lay still and hope I would sleep it off. The darkness started coming at me and I kept flinching because it looked like it was going to hit me in the face lol. I got up and turned every light on downstairs and called my friends back. I was on the edge of a panic attack because my stomach still hurt so bad and nothing was working. I was crying and begged them to come get me and take me to the hospital.

They came and picked me up and drove me to the hospital, by this time I was flopping around on the floor and in my hospital bed like a fish out of water from the pain. I told the nurses upon arrival it was endometriosis related and needed some kind of antinausea or pain med for the cramps. I'm sure by the redness of my friends eyes and their body language it was beyond obvious to the doctors... but they of course drew blood and did all of their testing. About an hour and a half later my actual doctor came in for the first time. This man looked like the guy who fixed woody up in Toy Story 2 lol. He came in with his little clipboard, fixed his glasses, and said miss hailey.. Endometriosis is something you should have a low fiber diet for. I was like well shoot I never knew that thanks doc!! He then said please refrain from large amounts of foods such as MUSHROOMS.... long pause and look around the room..... pasta, potatoes, etc. I totally felt my face get red and said yeahhh thank you doctor and I was released! 

In the future I may try microdosing but for macrodoses I have strongly been considering tea. :) 

Posted in: Psilocybin
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Hailey Nicole
thank you love, that means so much. I am having a good time the past couple years keeping it under control thankfully! I really appreciate your kind thoughts and words 2665.png Sending positive vibes and love she also stays pain free after her surgery! 1f642.png
Like February 17, 2020
You could look into psilocin which is what psylocibin becomes during ingestion. Takes the fiber out of the equation.
Like February 27, 2020
Hailey Nicole
Thank you very much 1f642.png I will do that! Do you make a tea out of it?
Like February 27, 2020
The psilocin I've seen was synthesized and came in capsules.
Like February 28, 2020