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Male. Lives in United States. 32 years old. Is single.
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Found this while looking through old pictures and thought I would share it with all of you.
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What exactly do we have here?
Like April 16, 2021
shared a few photos
Since I had such a possitive response to my pastel painting i thought id share my passion, pottery. I am actually gonna make it a goal to start my own potter studio before summer.
Thought id share this pastel painting i did a couple years ago since ive been seeing so many others post recently
26 people like this.
Beautiful work!! 2665.png
Like March 20, 2021
Really nice
Like March 21, 2021
Just a doodle at work lol might do a nicer refined piece later.
Just upped my game from small shoeboxes and got some 32qt tubs and a good size tub for a still air box. Very excited to dive into some good agar work and not just pray the contams were on vacation doi... View More
Little ink painting
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Mario sabino
That bic looks sick
Like January 28, 2021
Ohh this is beautiful!! 2665.png
Like September 3, 2021
Thinking of taking my first planned 5gr experience Saturday. I had several sub 3g experiences and the last one I had told me there wasn't much for me to learn with the lower doses and that I was ready... View More
4 people like this.
I did it for the first time a month ago. 6 grams alone, dark, silence. One thing i have been preaching is if you have guns in the house secure them so you have no access to them. My experience was terrifying then turned into the most amazing healing thing i have ever experieced.
Like January 20, 2021
Edward Scissorhands
I get the same thing. Tells me not to be afraid to go deeper. Also tells me not to be afraid to go deeper on DMT. Something in me thinks it's a deceptive trap. Like a: "I got you now you little fucking shit!" kinda thing. I haven't dosed since like August. The mental state just hasn't been right eno... View More
Like January 20, 2021
Would love to make something this scifi looking as a fruiting chamber
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