Wanting lots of experiences. Former atheist.
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Please no judgement but can you mix psilocybin with SSRIs? I wanted to stay on / get back to a routine w ketamine, attend an aya ceremony and do mushrooms to dig out of the hole I’m in from experienci... View More
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Thank you for your replies everyone it helps a lot. I will continue to research but appreciate what you offer. Bless
July 11, 2020
I take a couple DNRI’s and eat mushrooms. I notice a loss in effect, but not much. I just eat a little more. Everyone is different. Do your research. I am including a link to a chart I use to see possible drug/psychedelic interactions. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59fa16879f07f5d37a4824fa... View More
July 11, 2020
I just discontinued my antidepressants because i feel like they werent helping, and def. putting a damper on my trips.
July 11, 2020
Glad you are listening to your own guide but that comment is not helpful in this thread as I did not ask for opinions on ssris. I have had success with the ssri I’m using and do not have a choice to try to keep winging it, damage is being done.
July 12, 2020
Anyone in Detroit or worldwide streaming Movement live? Best electronic gathering around. Strange times but we are still feeling it. Movement.us
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Started to feel disconnected from my body, heady, a change in space like being on an escalator. David was sitting next to me but it felt like he was across the room. Outside my body felt colder and inside my body felt hotter. I felt like I was in an animal burrow, cozy and protected. Got the acute sense and memory of the way it felt to be around my father. He was never “ok” and I took this on as blame and the sense that I was never “ok,” it made me cry. I asked am I ok? Am I enough? I wanted to explore that question. Things intensified further and I felt quite above my body, not totally sure where my limbs and hands were. It felt really good, getting into euphoria. I laughed. I felt birds around me, lifting me up. I had the sense that I was with my maternal grandfather, something I’ve always wanted. I could feel his energy and love for me. It was like being carried on his shoulders. I was a small child. We were at a parade. I felt all the excitement that one wants to feel at a special time w family. This is what fulfillment was like. It contrasted greatly w my own childhood holiday memories and made me feel so connected to all of my ancestors. Belonging. I longed to feel this my whole life and could finally embrace it. Or rather it embraced me, I just had to feel and be. I could feel my hands and fingers moving a bit, ushering in energy like receptors and rather beyond my control. The fire inside me burned, not in a heat or uncomfortable sense, just in an energetic and symbolic one. I sensed the duality of the cold surrounding. I felt flame move within me. I was back in my igloo, my sacred space that I have visited in meditation. A fire burned in the middle. Being at the hearth I felt surrounded by family. So much peace and joy. I kept thinking I am. I am. I felt affirmed and fortified and celebrated but in a very natural, unshowy, ‘we’ve always known you and loved you and you fit in perfectly here’ kind of way. Oh just to be with them. With him. With my inner child. I felt like I was experiencing life through my child’s eyes. It gave me peace as a mother to know this is how she felt so often. Gave me grace for doing my best all the time. That is was ok that things weren’t always joyful, to know the feeling is enough and to know it regularly is divine. I laughed again, a few times really. I recall shedding some more tears, for beauty and restoration. But mostly amusement, incredulous, amused and in the know. So capable and accepting. Loved. I understood there was nothing to fear with death, it feels like going home, this feeling is truly beautiful. I got a sense and image of my sacred sexual space, the cave but pink and fleshy, a lotus. How it is energetically untainted by even the more nefarious acts we think can be done to and by humans. It gave me a sense of not distorting the purity of such a facet of the self by defining oneself by sexual trauma. Even hours later I feel like I’m breathing easier, deeper, fresher.
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https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/05/10/google-and-your-privacy.aspxManipulating and surveilling society dramatically...I didn’t know the extent. Be the 5% using a different sea... View More
Google and Your Privacy
Robert Epstein has shown biased web searches can shift the opinion of 48% to 63% of undecided voters toward or against a particular political candidate.
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Google and facebook are drugs. All the sudden when i think i kicked em i will realize that i just got sucked back in
Anyone watch plandemicmovie.com preview? What did you think?
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Familiar w the Hegelian dialectic and it is a good fit for this and many happenings of our culture. I feel like when a caretaker betrays you on the deepest level you know better than to trust strangers with power and money. But that’s my perspective
May 10, 2020
The feeling of being betrayed by the person that is supposed to protect you undermines trust and it becomes easy to question everything
May 10, 2020
Do you feel that the examined life is a lonely one? Loneliness has been a theme in my life since the beginning and I long to change it. Starts and stops finding community in school, work, attempts in ... View More
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always try again! is it the examination that is the issue or the mode of examination? it is difficult for most to find healthy solitude, as opposed to loneliness, but it is not impossible. but also remember that we are social creatures and social interaction is required to maintain sanity and health... View More
Thank you that’s great to hear and appreciated I won’t stop looking and definitely feel like my tribe will be psychonauts.
I appreciate what youre saying and therein lies the paradox. To constantly evolve but remain relevant and relate to those around us.
How do I determine the right micro dose for mushrooms? Finally got some after many years, so grateful
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Trial and error lol. Make sure you dont got anything planned the first few times. My optimal microdose is 200 mg