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Whats the best method to make a spore serynge from a APE swab to sucessefuly?
Sorry for my bad inglish, thanks in arvance
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Swab needs to be started on agar, rub surface of agar with swab or deposit small pieces of cotton on agar
Like March 22, 2021
Take the cap and print it on the lid of a jar then use that lid with some sterile water and shake the jar and pull your syringe from that. Your not going to be able to see the spores obviously but they're in there. Probably not the most efficient way to preserve the spores but it will work. Good luc... View More
Like March 22, 2021
WarChief710 If I understand him correctly, he wants to get a syringe from a swab
Like March 22, 2021
Ok, i understand, have to start with agar... Thanks a lot
Like March 22, 2021
Whats your experience germinating old spors? With more than 4 or 5 years
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better to start on agar
Like March 7, 2021
They'll be seriously dried out. Make your agar a little softer and be prepared to wait. Cubes should still germ tho
Like March 7, 2021
U can use a little distilled water n a spore loop to help germinate n spread on agar..Agar wood definitely be the best route n getting them going again
Like March 7, 2021
Thanks for the advise humans 1f642.png
Like March 7, 2021
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Aint that a beaut
Like January 23, 2021
I have inoculated 10 1 pint mason jars and one with half the size... in this litle one the micelium growth really fast and in 3 weeks it was full colonized... the others had a great growth rate till l... View More
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Pftek method...
Like January 8, 2021
Any portuguese??? ????
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Ahhhhh i cant wait to get back on this project! Been far too long
Like November 26, 2020
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Nhamyyy!! Good day everyone laughing.gif
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