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Mycology is the most interesting thing I have going on in my life. Eat, sleep, breathe boomers.
Beginners of Mycology
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Mycology ยป Psilocybin
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Agar Agar
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Ugh so close to a perfect dish! Back to the transfer board...
13 people like this.
No actually its 10.5g agar 550 ml water and 8g lme
Like December 13, 2020
I like using fewer nutes now as well looks good to me. Nature itself is not perfect.
Like December 14, 2020
Yeah I personally dont do the same amount of nutes to agar in the hopes it makes the mycelium reach more for food... it may be working it may be taking longer for same results, I'm not quite sure
Like December 14, 2020
Do side by side trials with more and less nutes from the same transfer plate and it will maby answer your question. 1f60e.png1f60e.png
Like December 14, 2020
A couple days and I will be ready to go to grain I think! I am definitely going to take four or so transfers before going to grain though ????
Today I made the mistake of throwing a plate that looked like this but more discolored away. I didnt realize it was mycelium eating the food dye until my friend told me ????
Its been four days since I got my hood...... oh man I fucked around! The blue and clear ones are all unused, in the others I have...
Avery Albino, Maui platinum, Mckennaii, KSSS, M2, white teacher, alb... View More

8 people like this.
Some transfers, but most all are spores. I managed to get some agar plates from a friend and got to transfer some of his clone plates too. I've learned so much in the past week and so grateful I did too!
Like November 30, 2020
Oh boy you're going to have your hands full. I would have done all that in phases.
Like November 30, 2020
Yeah, im gonna be doing a lot of shoe box tubs instead of trying to find more clear 66 qt totes
Like November 30, 2020
I also realized i probably overkilled it but its gonna be okay i think.
Like November 30, 2020
Some pics from today and yesterday... for some reason, my plates of cubes pic wont load from today. I did have fun swirling food color!
My first time fuckin around with agar... shit if even one of these stick, ill consider it a win in my book! All a learning experience anyways. Mush love all!
Edit-left side are swabs to agar, right is ... View More

Pray for me fam, i hope i didnt fuck it all up! First time doing agar dishes, will be my first agar experiences very soon!
22 people like this.
Holy shit 450?! I'll just build one
Like November 26, 2020
I ended up getting a much bigger one so i could do more stuff on it a couple weeks later but its coming from china
Like November 26, 2020
Check out class one clean rooms they have good deals sometimes i paid 400 for a 24x48 ffu
Like November 26, 2020
Woah thats awesome packman thank you... i paid under 600 for a 46" wide ffu
Like November 26, 2020
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