by on March 11, 2020

So, like an ignorant and new psychonaut who had watched a lot of YoutTube videos and thought I could handle a bit more than my first 5g trip (which I enjoyed). I decided that I would go with a fasted state, 8gram Lemon Tek dose.

Little did I consider that my 5g trip a few months earlier had been done on a full stomach and made into a milkshake which would have lowered the effects quite a lot.

Never the less....

Method: Lemon Tek. Ground into a powder and tipped into a glass of pure squeezed lemon for an hour. See photo.

Intention: Enter the Multiverse. What a n00b.

Ingested: 11pm

Effects Felt: 11:30pm

Off I went. I started with a face mask and my earphones listening to some good meditation music. It wasn't long before I realised that even without the music on, my brain was generating its own music from all the sounds it could now hear from the visuals I was getting, both closed and open eyed.

Went to the toilet quickly as I have a small bladder and wanted to make sure I was good to go before I wouldn't be able to move around too easily.

Not far into the trip I felt the sensation to go to the toilet again. But I was already so far gone that I did not know if it was the real sensation, or it was the feelings of the trip and the urge to just let go. There I went, in my bed, on my belly and let it out. Feeling the liquid up by groin region. I still did not know I had actually wet the bed, I legit believe it was a part of my trip.

Bang, I was gone. Warped into some weird dimension. I had lost all control. I was moving from my past, to future, to the history of Earth. Seeing visions of war. All while this was happening and I was being 'warped' around, I was physically falling off my bed, rolling around the room and making a huge racket. I was being left alone to my doing, kids didn't wake up, no one really noticed just yet.

I went back to my past, like a newborn baby. Trying to figure out my hands and movements. Tearing at the blinds above me, biting at them, biting my fingers, rolling around. I was soaked in my own urine and getting colder through the night. I felt a great sensation, like I was in a dimension where I was able to do whatever the heck I wanted to.

I stepped out of the bedroom which I had promised I would stay within. Unknowing of what I was doing and testing my boundaries. Clothes horse... pick that up and throw it over onto the floor. Bang... that was noisy. Wife, parents in law come rushing out of the room. For some reason I was completely naked! Luckily my wife had caught me before the in-laws stepped out and they managed to only see my naked behind. My wife my patient and smiling. Had lifted some pants onto me and pulling my arm "come here, in the room" - I had no idea what was going on. I thought I was a baby. Mother in law was scared, asking if I was ok. I could not answer, I was not blinking. I was staring out over her like some zombie.

To the bathroom my wife took me, got my dressed back up while I lay on the tiles staring at the dust on the floor in admiration.

Peak: 3am-4:30am

Back in the room my wife sat there until 6am from that moment, knowing that I needed help and someone to keep me safer. Back into the closed eye realms I went, laying on the bed now covered in a new blanket. My wife did not know I had urinated the bed, but did wonder why I was so wet.

For the next few hours I was stuck in a long loop. The Matrix was the theme, and I was stuck in some kind of simulated programming. I would be in one part of my life, doing whatever you do in life, not knowing that you had already done this before. Then, I would be taken to another part of my life, not remembering what I had been doing before. Then, it would repeat, over and over. Showing me that life is some programmed simulation.

Some kind of alien force was envolved. The vision would flicker like a faulty television. Then I was a virus (maybe the corona?) "glitch" and I was seeing things taking over the planet. Then I was in space, feeling at home, watching over everything. Then I was me again, going about my life, unknowing of what I had once been in source, doing life all over again.

This literally felt like forever, and I was getting scared because in that mindset I could remember the previous images, but was being shown that in this physical reality, we are completely unknowing to it and go through life over and over again. Deja Vu?

Then I was wondering, what about Earths history, can I see this? Was shown Egypt and some kind of life I possibly was part of in the past (who knows, right?), that we are all source and all memories are shared. Then I glitched again, virus, natural disasters, back in source, back in my life living life, not able to tell anyone around me that we are living the same thing over and over.

And then came around 6am, when I started to come back to. Wife was still there patiently. I stepped out of the room, saying that I now was fine, I needed to go to bed and sleep.

Next day, good headache for the next 24 hours, scared out of my wits and telling myself I would never do shrooms again (at least not in that dose range). I think I will keep to the 1-2g range where I can enjoy nature walks, sounds, looking at art. Leave the higher doses for a respectable ceremonial purpose with someone skilled in guiding one down the right path, in the right set & setting.

I went to the bedroom to see if what I had imagined was all true. Yep, blinds were torn, things all scattered in the room. Clothes horse on the floor, and indeed I had been told that I had been naked in front of all. I thought it was all the visions and I was free to do what I pleased without hurting anyone or breaking anything.... WRONG.

Lesson Learned: Respect the medicine. You will not get what you want. Always have a good sitter around. Don't do it with kids in the house or parents in law.

Posted in: Psilocybin
Topics: lemon tek, newbie
30 people like this.
@Ralf_chuvak, i see your in NZ, im an aussie mate. I ce no idea about how you may find a shaman there, but im sure if you seek you will find. They have come to me in the most unexpected forms and only lately. This journey we are on is not only accessable via inducing substances but thru drumming, fa... View More
Like March 15, 2020
i think you are right, courage is what i need, thanks @theseeker thanks for sharing that, you guys are awesome
Like March 15, 2020
I had a very similar experience the other month on 4-aco-dmt. I ended up breaking the glass on multiple paintings and my stove. I ran down the street and lost my journal. I almost seriously hurt my self as I was barefoot & walking on shattered glass. I was so lucky that I didn’t seriously fuck up my... View More
Like March 17, 2020
That dose there was in the trip sitters wheel house you need one next time bra good stuff tho glad your safe you couldve went outside and got hit by a car or something smh
Like March 20, 2020