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Male. Lives in Pennsylvania, United States. Born on September 30, 1990. Is single.
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Lifelong Student of Psychedelics. Hoping to find some people from PA to chill n’ Trip with. I’ve had... View More
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ACCIDENTAL Serotonin SYNDROME & Near DEATH Experience WITHOUT Any Recreational DRUGS...a tale of extreme caution, why reputationion is vital, sober egodeath and suffering. A Short Spoken Story. By: E
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6 people like this.
Jet junky i was not prescribed so i did it to myself but i abused benzos for a good bit i ran out and had to quit cold turkey like you im a parent but it felt like my soul had been ripped out of my as drained of its essence and put back in for about three months so i second how evil this shit is a... View More
Like May 18, 2020
Harry James Potter Dude it is horrible. Im out of the woods so to speak but it can last up to 3 days depending on dose. I was at in 3 major addictions in my life; 1) Cocaine 13-16 Heroin 17-23 and Benzodiazapines 17-28 (29 now) Im getting off the rest now. Soooo close w/ the Suboxone. No withdraw ei... View More
Like May 18, 2020
Also, dont take story as proof you dont need to go to a hospital IMMEDIATELY if you think you have taken 2 types of serotonin boosting drugs which contradict and can cause symptoms of Serotonin Syndrome. I was and am a stubborn idiot when it comes to hospitals.
Like May 18, 2020
Before my back surgery, I’d never even bothered with tylenol if I could help it. Sore thoat: garlic, cramps: warm milk, insomnia: chamomile or lavender. I could go on. I’m all about searching for a holistic route. It changed drastically when I started seeing different doctors for my fractured spine... View More
Like May 18, 2020
Doesn’t anyone find it disgusting that during the entire economic revival before COVID polititicans were PRIVITIZING ALL THE GAINS FOR THE TOP 10-20%, then all the sudden when the economy was PLUMMETT... View More
4 people like this.
Fucking Cash chuckers
Like May 16, 2020
Like May 16, 2020
It would be a cool Idea to build drop out support networks. There is nothing to gain in the mainstream society - and as soon as you accept money you accept that they define what's worth something and what not. It's not the riches of those people it's the belief that there stuff is worth something th... View More
Like May 16, 2020
Right bro, all politicians are actors. I use to like trump but sense this covid shit i can see he really is just another pawn in the shadow goverment. All world leaders work together to control the mass populations. Causing fake wars and diseases. Its always righry around election time some new “dis... View More
Like May 16, 2020
Jesus, help us! Since the start of the “necessary” reopening of certain parts of the economy, the death toll expectations more than doubled from 60,000 to 130,000 likely deaths. This is sad, dont get ... View More
Whats your belief question.
Do you think we need new anti-trust laws (laws controlling monopolies) in the United States of America?
4 people like this.
I don't like big corporate clusters - but I don't think you can't write actually laws against them. They only exist because of laws that help big companies and not only that they have written the global and local trade laws them self in the last 40 Years. Like literally law teams of big corporation... View More
Like May 6, 2020
The sad thing is that Unilever and other similar investment firms are world wide. Its not just an American problem. And its already far too late.
Like May 6, 2020
Yep, Unilever claims that 30 % of world wide sold grocery goods are produced and distributed by them. And guess what they are only one of the big 3. They own large lands, they provide the budget for the big TV stations. They control ADA (the dudes who forced youtube to make demonetisation guideline... View More
Like May 6, 2020
Ive been looking up planets with liquid water that are in their stars “goldilocks zone” to see if there are any potentially habitable candidates in a nearby system. Closest one is 4.3 lightyears away (about 25 trillion miles) and it doesnt look all that promising. Im remaining optimistic.
Like May 7, 2020
There is an individual on here who REALLY bothers me. A LOT. He/She has all of these wild unverifiable beliefs and opinions on, well, just about everything. For some reason this person cannot believe ... View More
6 people like this.
Love each other and shit LOL Harry James Potter 1f602.png2665.png
Like May 4, 2020
Kriss Kringle
Fuck um thats their ignorance dont let it bother you brother hartman
Like May 5, 2020
I read the whole comment <3 i feelz this sooo deep dude.. Like Its so hard to get thru to people nowadays. The truths we bring to them with our work literally scares there subconscious and they instinctively get defensive <3 you handled the beautifully and I applaud you 1f642.png They will be caught up on c... View More
Like May 5, 2020
I find it always helps to have lot's of peoples opinions and perceptions about anything, we are all entitled to believe whatever we want. What i think you need to ask us why it bothers you what others believe.
Like May 5, 2020
Took a microdose this morning to work on a Foreign Relations paper. The last acid I got was so weak, I had to take over a half a tab just to get a small increase in my energy level. I took another qua... View More
2 people like this.
Yeah I sometimes make a microdosing solution of 50ml Distilled Water and a hit of good LSD.
Like April 29, 2020
Microdosing LSD is something I really enjoy....especially when I am trying to be creative and get the creative juices flowing in my brain.
Like April 29, 2020
Oh yeah, most definately. It really boosts my mood and get me thinking more conceptually.
Like April 29, 2020
Whats a paid membership?
Like May 3, 2020
The Elizebeth, NJ Police Department is using fucking drones over backyards, parks, between apartments etc. to “enforce social distancing” now. Yeah stay away from other people, but this IMO goes too f... View More
8 people like this.
@omfgitsMarie what do you mean?
Like April 17, 2020
.00 buck will take that bitch down.
Like April 18, 2020
I got a new BB gun. Will that work?
Like April 18, 2020
Lol Jetjunky31 its all about shot placement.
Like April 18, 2020
The best 2C-B I’ve ever gotten. I thought it was a small amout in the caps before I took one. I think its really pure tho cuz it hits hard.
13 people like this.
I have some 2cb in powder form, you only need 50 mg to get you flying
Like April 14, 2020
Its really not that hard to find, if you know where to look for slightly more obscure drugs.
Like April 17, 2020
Going to the dispensary later and was wondering... Are RSO/edibles/pills easier on THC induced anxiety than smoking? Since I had my psychedelic therapy session in Nov. and got off my (non-life sustain... View More
1 person likes this.
I don't have personal experience with kratom withdrawals luckily. Kratom has really helped me kick opioids. I do have a friend that was taking way too much kratom, like almost an ounce a day! He just finished kicking and said it was the worse detox he's ever endured. I saw him right in the middle... View More
Like April 14, 2020
@echo29 i have experienced the kratom withdrawal personally and it SUCKED! Plus if i accidentally took to much it would make me feel TERRIBLE. I would say in my own personal opinion that its like any other medicine. If used responsibly and correctly it can be a GREAT tool to help, but if you abuse i... View More
Like April 14, 2020
@Supaflex09 Yeah well you dont have to consider it an opioid but it does indeed act on the same receptors and causes withdraw. Im safely coming down from suboxone, n im fine thus far. We’ll see if I need it down the line.
Like April 15, 2020
But you are correct chemical structure wise, its a complex indole so it doesnt share structural similarity to opioids. However it does share many properites with them pharmacologically.
Like April 15, 2020
Hey would any of you guys be interested in getting together and doing fun stuff once every year-few years or so??? I would love to meet 95% of you! I think it would be so cathartic (healing) and I’d b... View More
23 people like this.
The Transcendent Stoner
This really would be bad ass!! If this goes down ill definitely be there and even help if i can1f600.png.
Like April 16, 2020
Trip A Lot
I'm down!
Like April 16, 2020
sweet. Ill let you know. We gotta wait for a while tho. At least until shit goes back to normal
Like April 17, 2020
In GA. Keep us posted
Like April 17, 2020
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