May 3, 2020
Category: DMT and 1 other
"I've done DMT nine times now, and most of the trips have been great and beautiful. However, one day I had an accident and took way too much DMT in vape form. I accidentally dropped the vape pen and shattered the cartridge while trying to save the liquid for my friend to try. I ended up getting the DMT juice all over my hands and only managed to salvage about 0.1 of it in a bottle. I still offered my friend a chance to try it and told him to grab his dab rig. I dropped a small drop into the rig and let him take off, thinking there wasn't enough, so I added a couple more drops. However, he said he was already going, so I set the rig down and let him continue his trip.
After he came out of his trip, we talked about it, and I got ready to go home. He offered me a dab of some fire indica before I left, and I accepted. As I started walking back to his room, I realized I was extremely high. I told him I was too high and needed him to take me to my truck so I could sleep in it since he lived in a tall condo. But as soon as I entered the hallway, the high hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew I was in trouble and remembered the DMT in the rig. My friend started to transform into a different version of himself, becoming violent, but I reassured myself that it wasn't the real him, as he is usually a peaceful person. I couldn't stand properly anymore, and he helped me up, asking what he should do. I told him to just throw me into a corner in his room and let me ride it out.
He got me into his wife's and his room, and I collapsed onto the bed, experiencing convulsions. My vision started to fade, as if I was being choked, and my friend appeared smaller and smaller, as if I was dying. I told him, 'Mike! Bro, my heart is stopping, and I think I'm dying!' I took my last breath and felt myself sinking into darkness. Suddenly, I was thrown into a portal, as if my soul had left my body. When I reached the end of the portal, I opened my eyes as a different person. I saw through their eyes and knew it was wrong, but this was my new life. I lived through those eyes for what felt like 1-2 years, and then, out of nowhere, I got hit by a truck while walking and died. I was shot back through the portal and opened my eyes in another body. This cycle repeated over and over for what felt like thousands of years. I lived as different people, with no memory of myself after entering the next body.
Finally, I snapped out of the trip and saw Mike staring at me, asking if I was okay. I was panting and breathing heavily, with tears in my eyes. I asked him, 'How long have I been gone?' He said he didn't know, maybe four minutes. I started freaking out, saying it couldn't be true, while rubbing my eyes. Suddenly, it hit me again, and this process continued for almost 58 minutes in total.
During the trip, I realized that the DMT liquid had gotten on my hands, and every time I came out of it, I kept rubbing my eyes. I believe this was the reason I kept sending myself back into the trip. It's the only explanation I have, along with the combination of wax that I had consumed. This was the scariest experience I've ever been through. When I came back, I didn't know if this was my real life or if I was going to die again like before. It took me almost two weeks to feel like a human again. My wife says I'm a completely different person now. She believes that the old me is dead and that I'm a new person. Since that trip, I've done DMT five more times, and it has never happened like that again. I can now look back on it and see how lucky I was to have experienced it, although at the time, I was freaking out and just wanted it to stop. LOL. I just thought I'd share my experience with you."