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you good bro I won that raffel and I was just wondering when you'd mail it over it's been a minute and ima kinda in need of a spore print
3 people like this.
Bro your a godsend and especially with those genetics thank you for blessing me
Like November 9, 2020
I found my library... How can we exchange info?
Like November 10, 2020
ima dm you on my laptop
Like November 10, 2020
...solid...I dig your style
Like November 19, 2020
Yo, whenever you get the chance, could you please accept my friend request so I can DM you my info for the giveaway. Mush luv, brotha!
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That never happened did it lol
Like November 19, 2020
Nah, sadly, i'm pretty sure he stated during the giveaway that his phone was having tons of issues and we wasn't able to log onto DW.
Like November 19, 2020
@loddy I feel your pain all to well I was apart of the give away to lol
Like November 19, 2020
Do I need to use the app or the web to message you my address for the contest?
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MycyMyc da fungi bunch
Log on the web and sent a private message. You cant send private messages through the app yet.
Like October 27, 2020
I'm on the web, but I think I may have to be a friend to send a private message to someone.
Like October 27, 2020
I won your contest can you please accept my follow request so i can send you my info
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@mushyourboy people say you have to go through the internet browser but when i did i couldnt send a message and this guy isnt responding
Like October 20, 2020
And no you need him to request
Like October 20, 2020
@gbabygrizz826 I’m using a browser. Is there an app as well?
Like October 21, 2020
Oh yes dmtworld on app store if you have iphone idk if its for android but the app wont let you do it
Like October 21, 2020
Hey dude, really appreciate you doing that giveaway! Im kinda new on here so im just sending you this causr i was unsure of the private message system on here
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You have to go onto the website to access DM's (DMTworld.net)
Like October 19, 2020
Thank you Loddy64
Like October 19, 2020
Please accept my request
Hows it going bro? I havent seen you on here in a while. Just reaching out. Hope all is well my friend.
4 people like this.
Hey homie im doing good. I just started a new job a few weeks ago so ive been working ny ass off trying to make a good impression so they will hire me on full time. Ive literally been working, eating, and sleeping with not much time for anything else lol. Ive tried to get in here a few different tim... View More
Like September 6, 2020
Thats awesome man looks like your on the right track. Keep on pushing bro! Well be here. Im doing good as well. Spending the weekend at the beach for my daughters birthday. Life is good. Talk to you soon, homie!
Like September 6, 2020
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