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1/2 Animal 1/2 Insane. Lives in were angels rest.
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Hey!! Hope you’re doing well.
I was off grid for a while. Much needed break.
Let me know if you see this smile.gif
Being open like a fallow field,
One awaits the seeds of fortune,
Without agenda accepting the gifts of the divine winds,
Allowing nature to take its course,
Humility is our guide,
A time to be receptive l... View More

3 people like this.
What is the technique?
Like November 25, 2020
, from what i can gather, you simply listen, watch (in this case read) something then picking up key points, phrases, concepts let it flow through you in prose, perhaps it picks up a more poetic feel, gleans different aspects of the wisdom or just reconstructs it. Its like taking the ingredie... View More
Like November 25, 2020
Top Secret Hula Hoops - 2020
Real talk,
your supposed to have achieved some super advanced initiative levels of religious mumbo jumbo and jump through a lot of top secret hula hoops for years to reach ... View More

5 people like this.
Like October 12, 2020
Personal accounts of failures
...& tales of triumph!
Afraid Yesterday.
Afraid Today.
Afraid Tomorrow.
-standing in the mirror starring at the skullcap.
The Place where the whole existing of if IT's be... View More

i had to chop them babues up a lil
I picked some beautys this morning but like I said the phone was dead they're already on the dehydrator
9 people like this.
sweet!!! your gonna have a blast!!! I do the same, also- got that same dehydrator!!! besides mush, using it to make homemade fruit leather is awesome!!! im actually gonna do some research to see about mixing some blue juice in with some blueberry to make magic blue roll ups!! but im not sure if id k... View More
Like September 24, 2020
Interesting when you figure that out let me know
Like September 24, 2020
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