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Male. Lives in Lisbon, Portugal. Born on April 1, 1982. Is married to .
About Me
From Portugal to hyper space.
Likewise minds are welcome.
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Cacau mushroom ceremony was beautiful.
Love and light brothers and sisters.
23 people like this.
looks lovely
Like June 14, 2020
Vibrating abundance and love and my surrondings are reflecting that.
Wild dagga and blue lotus getting a ride. ❤️????
Acacia result, a bit of oily caramel and a bit of white crystals. Do you guys think its ok to use the caramel for changa? Warm bath in acetone and add to some herbs + the rue extract.
Has anyone tried... View More

8 people like this.
Boas amigo! Também sou de Portugal. Tem alguma rede social em possamos falar?
Like August 28, 2020
mandei te um inbox! No aguardo irmão da luz.
Like September 1, 2020
IBeliveintheMedicine não tenho inbox, só hotmail. [email protected]
Like September 2, 2020
Tem Inbox fora do app USA o browser ou um computador pra logar. Vou te mandar um e-mail com meu telefone de qualquer maneira. ... View More
Like September 20, 2020
16 people like this.
Lmao! Yeah!
Like May 25, 2020
Oh yes!
Like May 26, 2020
MikeyAndJennie Floberg
I know this feeling all too well
Like May 26, 2020
After 3 days of ayahuasca I have to say I can’t ignore it anymore.
Like September 20, 2020
speaking, to smoke DMT or ingest any other hallucinogen is to offer up our
cells as a sacrifice to the spirits. By such sacrifice, we are allowing our
consciousness to be possessed by
mysteri... View More

15 people like this.
Thank you for this passage. The closest analogy I've used, in relation this, is that it feels a lot like being a physical host for an alien being. For me on 8g of ovoids, anyway. Since the heavy dose, I have carried the experience with me into practicing/learning more yoga, meditation, and magick on... View More
Like May 25, 2020
What a beautiful time to be alive. What a beautiful teacher the one that keeps you clean, in peace and in contact with your soul. ❤️
Like May 25, 2020
and stretching your consciousness in any manner makes it difficult to go back to slack ways dont it? Keeps u honest. I tried going off the rails a few times since my first ayahuasca expirience just to exercise my freedom but the ensuing darkness beyond the normal h... View More
Like May 25, 2020
So much yes!
Like May 25, 2020
Literally everyone around me
39 people like this.
Jeffrey Loubouski
Naming is the origin of all particular things.
Like May 24, 2020
Im not judging man, thoyght it was funny how so many people are against trying dmt or shrooms even though they would drink till they blackout or do coke as if it was nothing. Been there done that dont agree with the strong spirits behind coke and boose for me they just numb my pain away till i sobbe... View More
Like May 24, 2020
I would also like to say Im not judging. I have also done things im not proud of and Im not perfect. I jus wish people would think about the dangers of what they doing and use substances to help them instead of jus get high or have fun. To each his own as well tho but Ive had alot of people around m... View More
Like May 24, 2020
And happy and connected with their soul.
Like May 24, 2020
Just listened to this and had to share the lyrics.
Kevin Baker
We are riding the wind, we are sailing the storm?Through a new age of darkness, we are helmsman of the dawn?Though are captains have deser... View More

One of my favorite sound track of a super soul surf movie.
Acacia Thawing
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