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Acacia DMT in Australia, a personal overview - Col Hawk - The Politics of Awe 2019
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IBelieveintheMedicine im not sure of the name of the tek. Saw a willy myco video. Seemed simple enough to follow.
@jeffrey Loubouski and those sensitive fingers works much better then my gorilla fingers with the pipette.
Has anyone use xylene to get a jungle spice lst pull and if so how long should i leave it in contact with the bark as suppose from naphta? Love and light D
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Making a communitary trippy playlist open for collab, all you need to do if you can is share your favorite music for tripping, that one somg that bring the peace and love in your heart.https://open.sp... View More
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Dennis McKenna - Is DMT A Neurotransmitter For The Gaian Brain?
The possible functions of endogenous DMT as a neurotransmitter or regulatory neurohormone in mammalian physiology are incompletely understood, and a matter of controversy. Its ubiquity in nature, howe
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A Tribute to Terence McKenna with Alex Grey & Allyson Grey
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