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Space alien. Lives in Scumdog central, Antarctica. Born on June 21, 1900.
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Every time i grow oysters this shit happens. Going great. Then after about 2 weeks they stop and look like this for weeks. Frustrating.
4 people like this.
I agree. But ive got a pretty good sterile process. They dont look contaminated. They look dead. To me at least.
Like April 14, 2021
I would think its either contam or FAE. Contam being less likely because oysters should overwhelm most contam. Maybe you could cut a large hole in one of the bags and cover it with micropore tape and see if it takes off.
Like April 14, 2021
Yeah, i cut some dime sized holes in each bag. I doubt they will take off again. I mean i will be pleased if they do. I just think the internal temp got too high for them and they got cooked. But, we will find out! Ill report back with any updates! I will figure this out! Just frustrating to lose ... View More
Like April 14, 2021
I thank you guys for all your advise and input.
Like April 14, 2021
shared a few photos
Couple more shots. Lots of jars, not sur eif you can see all the agar cups. Got 24 more jars waiting to prep. Its going to be a good year.
6 people like this.
Hey nice screenname
Like February 7, 2021
Right back at ya.
Like February 9, 2021
shared a few photos
Went to check on this guy. Fruiting right in the bag. Had to open it up. First ever lions mane success. Still waiting for the oyster and shitake to colonize. A year ago i wasn't able to even grow anyt... View More
15 people like this.
It took about 2 weeks in the jar, and another 2 in the bag. It colonized rather quickly. I used a master mix set up. Cherry hardwood pellets, and soy hulls. 450g of each. I imagine any hardwood pellet would do.
Like February 9, 2021
I tried to clone a wild LM i found. It was about 12 pounds. One tammed out and the other hasnt done anything. :-(
Like February 9, 2021
Nature is a funny thing. I got my first lions mane fruit also..... gotta get better at cooking it. But the little yellowing is from low humidity. I had the same issue.. had to research.
Like February 10, 2021
Cool to see something other then cubes also. Im working to get into gormets alot more.
Like February 10, 2021
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Like November 16, 2020
Choice golden teacher picked this morning.
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Sunday morning B+ harvest
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Second flush. Ive got 3 tubs. 2 B+, and one GT. The GTs are clones. And theyre even bugger than this on the first flush. Just harvesting those today. Its been a good week.
Like November 9, 2020
Like November 9, 2020
These guys just seemed to have stopped growing. What gives?
3 people like this.
Direct sprays are no bueno and can cause aborts. Try misting upward and letting it fall onto the block
Like November 5, 2020
If you the sub looks dry you can always Use a clean syringe and squirted some distilled water into the substrate. I would also put a fan blowing across to dry the littlie mushrooms and pins first
Like November 5, 2020
Id get a fan and dry those puppies off
Like November 6, 2020
Thanks guys. Dried them off. Shot them up with some water. Will see what happens in the next couple days. Ive got a fuck ton of pins in a GT sub. Maybe 3 actually growing past that. Its literally the entire sub top is like a pin forest. Could hardly stick a needle in the sub cause of all the baby pi... View More
Like November 6, 2020
shared a few photos
This tub is looking a little better. Pins. Nice mycelium compared to the other one. I cant believe that 5 months ago i couldnt even get a jar or a shoebox to grow, let alone fruit.
Now im working them... View More

6 people like this.
Now that looks awesome.
Like October 23, 2020
Good for you buddy
Like October 23, 2020
Thanks guys! Very excited to see this much progression. Only going to get better.
Like October 23, 2020
Bummer dudes. She was looking very good until like 3 days ago. Just went all brown on me.
3 people like this.
Is it myclieum pee? Is it more of a yellowish tinge?
Like October 23, 2020
Man i thought it was pins at first
Like October 24, 2020
not come across that one yet, thankfull y. you coukd try a h2o2 water bath as a last ditch attempt to save it, never worked for me or cut out the healthy part if any is large enough and bin the rest
Like October 24, 2020
Joey Green
Looks like perhaps the mycelium and some bacterium are duking it out .... the "yellowing" (as already pointed out), is likely mycelium extrudates (often containing antibacterial properties) doing their thing to assist in the battle. Its still likely to produce some fruit .... just greatly diminishe... View More
Like October 24, 2020
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