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Male. Lives in Cross Vegas, West Virginia, United States. Born on November 9, 1998. Is in a relationship with .
About Me
I'm just a new psychonaut trying to learn the ropes.
Red Pill For Men
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JOC pan tek
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Spiral Dynamics: A value development model
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Psychology and Philosophy
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Actively Tripping Down The Rabbit Hole
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A little agar and brushing off for X-Mas
In the mood to go deep tonight. Im thinking 5g of shrooms and two tabs of lucy. Should be interesting
7 people like this.
Ive got 3g of shrooms left from last nights trip so ill be having them when i get home from work in the morning
Like December 4, 2020
Thor Odinson
See you on the other side.
Like December 4, 2020
Happy to receive my pin and sticker. I love this site and the people here so much. This is the only social media i have because i feel this is the only place that gets me. Mush luv to everybody here!
21 people like this.
Like December 5, 2020
Yo quiero.. como se consiguen?
Like June 27, 2023
When i started cultivating, i wanted to be able to use them to trade for other psychs. I finally have. 10 hits and they are in the shape of triangles
19 people like this.
Yeah they're not that strong but not necessarily a bad thing for me
Like November 30, 2020
Isn't a triangle just a square cut in 1/2?
Like December 5, 2020
Coolpix, i believe it depends on the type of triangle
Like December 5, 2020
Like December 5, 2020
Some fun guys i saw while hiking yesterday afternoon. The ones on top were huge.
7 people like this.
Greenbenhuncho we purchased it from a holistic shop
Like November 23, 2020
The woman there home makes all the tea there
Like November 23, 2020
what type of tea did you use to make the mushroom tea? just curious 1f642.png
Like November 29, 2020
Aliendaddy, i used some nasty ass vanilla/ honey tea to mix with it and it was awful. Im better off just brewing the shrooms and mixing the subsequent tea in with some other drink i like, preferably cold
Like November 29, 2020
Day 10 of fruiting
Guys, I have something that has been bothering me for some time now. I have not had a dream for the past 3 years or so. And maybe i have but i have no recollection of it. Sleep for me now is just eyes... View More
1 person likes this.
I have been like that my whole life and no doctor will believe me, thay say its not possible, everyone dreams. well I dont. until recently when I started microdosing and up until a couple of weeks ago it was fantastic, now im having trouble even sleeping a couple of hours a night, let alone dreaming
Like October 22, 2020
I do burn tree and come to think of it, it started when i started smoking heavy everyday. I still smoke everyday, but i cut back how much. Just a couple small bowl packs a day. Im just confused because my friends that smoke more heavily than i do recall their dreams just fine. But ive been thinking ... View More
Like October 22, 2020
When i did meth for many years i quit dreaming or at least remembering them. About 6 months ago when i quit doing meth snd started facing my problems and dmt all of a sudden i started having very vivid dreams but id wake up to pee like every 2-3 hours. What i noticed was that i was having dreams wet... View More
Like October 22, 2020
I've wanted to recall my dreams better and since mushrooms it is now far easier to do so maybe it was intent but also i recall memories in more detail its not some thing i have very good control of yet but makes me want to sharpen my mind more to master this skill
Like October 22, 2020
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