Looking to start my journey being a dmt virgin.
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Recently had a good trip on Golden Teacher shrooms. Had 6.4g and felt myself floating around but not really going anywhere. When I kept coming to I found myself filled with love and kept smiling.
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Is it possible to learn a new language whilst tripping on shrooms? The thought has just come to me now
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Youll speak tongues way before you speak a new language. Glossolalia. Been doing it since the first time i broke through on my own love
March 21, 2021
Having these two tonight with a fresh bottle of jungle juice rush to sniff to make the experience 100% better
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March 7, 2021
Last night I had by far the strongest strain of shrooms ive ever had. Had about 4 small ones and the trip started in 20 mins. I laid on my bed, closed my eyes and just let myself go.
It started out quite nice at first and then I went deeper and deeper. I found myself talking to a tribal chief who was accompanied by a woman who was equally the same size as him, they were about 10-15ft in height and I couldn't understand a word they said to me.
As my trip went on I found myself looking to the future at the year 3340. There was spacecraft flying everywhere and just no land to be seen anywhere.
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I know your just poking fun my friend but it was the most immense trip ive ever had.
Sorry for saying that mate, i had a really intense trip the other night and i felt that my mind wouldnt let me go as deep as i wanted, each time i closed my eyes and tried to go deep i csme across a door so took the hint amd stayed where i was. I met the chief and that was the highlight of my trip ... View More
March 8, 2021
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Have anyone sniffed poppers whilst tripping ?
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Bencmcp I believe he's referring to an aphrodisiac that's used commonly to enhance the sexual experience. They're in a group called Alkyl nitrites which contains many different chemicals all used (some in combination with others of the same group) as a drug. They're usually sold in sex shops as sex ... View More
Ive never heard of this before, must not be common where Ben and I are from. Unsafe for me with my blood pressure already being very low most the time
When you are tripping on shrooms, whats the best thing to watch on TV that will enhance the experience. Ive tried watching a couple of things but never worked.
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Ive spoke to some people in my whatsapp group who said that Avatar the movie is great to watch while tripping, i watched it and it wasnt that good (the trip, the film is amazing )
I tend to have my mushies at night once im done with work and day chores like waliing my dog etc. Just like to chill... View More
February 12, 2021
I just want to say that i fucking love this group. Havent had mushies for a month due to starting a job that tests for drugs in all employees ona random basis.
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Thothalitarism Some states, i think doctors are required to make sure that someone is taking thier prescriptions as directed. Especially when it comes to drugs that could be used recreationally. I know where i live they do this for certain drugs like amphetamines and opiates.
No. Not my employer. They dont care at all. My prescribing dr. When i first went in to ask for help i disclosed a long history of abusing stimulants and while i was willing to try them i was terrified of going down to “go fast” rabbit hole. Lol. Being a tweaker sucked, but daily stimulate medication... View More
Hi guys, i have a medical on tuesday an am wondering how long the effects of shrooms stay in your system for and can they be detected?
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Saidar lsd can be tested for.. A certain Marine company currently has an lsd problem. A bunch of them have been getting drug tested for lsd and they keep getting popped.