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Male. Lives in United States.
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In a journey to explore inner self through help of fungi . Martial artist studied American Kenpo Ka... View More
Shroomin jrs
613 Members
Mycology ยป Psilocybin
I saw a post cant find it , but i have a question Sanagma eye drops What kind of effects do tou feel with the eye drops ????
22 people like this.
Btw a quick back story he lost his keys and a cop helped him into his home then he found mushrooms and jars filled with grain in plain sight lol
Like October 18, 2020
Joey Green
This is paradoxically both funny and quite sad. If there is any lesson to be extracted from this story its this ..... Never give LE permission to "go fishing" by allowing them entry into your home by giving them permission .... One has nothing at all to gain from doing so and everything to lose. ... View More
Like October 21, 2020
@joeygreen very true but very sad
Like October 21, 2020
Wish i lived there
16 people like this.
I hear you, at least you can visit
Like October 15, 2020
Cant sleep ahhhhhhh double tmrw
Thinking about getting this set up for first time , what are your thoughts ??
5 people like this.
Khloe Kensington
Fuck kits
Like October 9, 2020
So... time and instructions it works nice. .i purchased this.. after 3 flushes i now use none of it. But bought stuff to make martha after that. But i would do the same again. Ive purchased multiple times because of time more then anything else and have had some issues but they fixed them no probl... View More
Like October 9, 2020
$137 can buy a handful of monotubs and bulk spawn/substrate bags or jars. Cheaper to diy. A lot of mushroom shops sell kits for pretty high profit margins. I can't blame them for it since it's a niche market but I'd buy everything individually. Its a hobby that you can spend as much or as little on ... View More
Like October 14, 2020
Thor Odinson
You can put that all together yourself. And prob cheaper too. Start simple. Try the PF tek or dub tub tek.
Like October 14, 2020
New here just want to say hello to everyone !!!
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hi! im new 2!
Like October 9, 2020
Well hello to you too @abstracthue-man72!1f642.png Welcome to our little family!
Like October 9, 2020
Like October 12, 2020
Like October 23, 2021
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