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How long will mycelium live on an agar cup?
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I had mine in fridge for a year and was still able to clone it again. Allbeit much more sleepy and slow to grow.
Like July 10, 2021
This is what I meant by look for the knuckles male and the hairs girls. I totally swiped this from another DMT world user but it was the perfect visual on the left is a male on the right is the female... View More
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I have never grown before how do I tell male from female?
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White hairs mean female, big balls mean male.
Like June 22, 2021
Two ways you can check for females ir check for males. Male hunting look for The knuckle. Its like an armpit
Like June 22, 2021
Switch to bud is the only 100% way to tell from my doings
Like June 23, 2021
I don't know what this is this is supposed to be apes but something mysterious is growing anybody got a clue it's been about a month and a half it's getting bigger
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I had a shoebox give me a mix of those (smaller) and mushies with PE. I picked them all and made some pretty blue blue-juice. Some of the mushrooms from the same box started growing cap first and the stem on top. It had cobweb mold and a gangster beating from OG peroxide and then these guys showed u... View More
Like December 19, 2020
Everyone telling you to eat it can literally just stop. In all Seriousness it deadass looks like dry bubble. Dont eat, just toss that sub, its all good.
Like December 19, 2020
And stop shitting on Songbird. Someyines people have a hard time. Some people react, and handle life differently than you or i. So get a fucking grip and leave the dude alone. He wants to commiserate, fine. But you dont have to even respond to them.
Like December 19, 2020
@LordSlish I keep hearing about this Songbird person, and not able to read his/her comments-but from some of these remarks made towards and about this person, I don't think you could have expressed it any better. We've all been difficult with others at one time or another for whatever reasons. No on... View More
Like December 19, 2020 Edited
Best looking tub ive had.
This is where i dump all my contam ....spent sub and plain ol leftovers..... Why not?
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Round 3
Thanks Quality spores! More research !????????????
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Like August 21, 2020
shhhh thats a secret.... y
Like August 22, 2020
yes quality spores
Like August 22, 2020
what are pink buffalo? whats wrong with those and ?
Like August 22, 2020
First harvest ever
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