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Psychedelics » DMT
Do you guys get that popping feeling in the back of your brain when youre on acid? Feels like your brains cracking its knuckles. What is that?
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Hey guys its been a while! Missed the shit out of you! Im lookin for a little advice and you all are the smartest group of people i know, so im asking you. Long story short, my wife has been doing th... View More
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Your relationship with her is your responsibility and her relationship with you is her responsibility don't assume an responsibility that she isn't taking man I'd say this is worst case scenario imo especially if your not ok with an open relationship youve got a big heart for wanting to help her man... View More
Donniebrasco1 thats kinda where im at right now. But in my head i agreed to stick with her through thick and thin, so i would be a real piece of shit if i bailed on her because she isnt doing what i want. I love her no matter what, not just when shes following the rules. Obviously we have to termina... View More
I'd say that is big man that's her putting in the active effort evidence she cares and that she wants healing very positive your doing a good job staying true to you brother maby she dose need that support in order to find healing for herself
September 29, 2022
Tastes like wild onion or whatever the name for them is. We called them wild onions growing up. Looks like grass. Anyway, these were growing around the corner last summer so when these bulbs popped up... View More
Went to give my purple mystics FAE this morning and when i took the sheet off, POW! Its already full of healthy mushies begging for air. All elongated and shit. No fuzzy feet though so i think the dar... View More
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Good Luck Those are my favorite strain hands down hope ya enjoy
I got P Mystic on Agar right now. Looking forward to getting this strain grown out and printed for never ending viewing.
We're the pics tho
Ive always admired the purple mystics look with that beautiful ring around the cap ill look at them under the scope some day
Skeeter ive had unmodified monotubs pump out some huge fruits and almost full canopies but seems like high fae and 90%+ humidity is the sweet spot. I run my tubs both ways.
Lucky charms, i quit posting pics on here when the people that taught me to grow on here started dissappearing. Idk the reason... View More
How are yall hydrating corn in the pressure cooker?
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Good observation Luke_Skywalker. What do i need to do differently GaiaGazing
Does anyone have any of the homemycology agar videos downloaded by chance? I cant find them online anywhere. I checked weed tube and i can only find the kibble agar video. Specifically im looking for ... View More
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Did you happen to look on weed tube home mycology have a backup channel over there of his older videos
Yah bro i looked for like an hour. Theres a good chance i may have skimmed over it but i couldnt find anything but his kibble agar video. I did revert back to my recipe book with 99% home mycology recipes and tried 3 of them plus a batch of 150 ml grain broth (corn, brown rice, gyp, honey, coffee, s... View More