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Male. Lives in United States. Born on July 1, 1974.
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Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Here we go again.
I'm super busy these days. All blessings are with me, insisting on every bit of my time. All the new strains are doing well. Star gazer and Trinity are loving me, wild TX . And JMF are getting to unbe... View More
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Glad you are doing well.
Like October 24, 2023
So great. I love when the fruits provide. Mush love!
Like October 26, 2023
Exhausted, I was stopping in to see what everyone is up to. Really wanted to touch base with everyone and view some of the fantastic work that's going on. I'll have to make it back tomorrow when I'm a... View More
Okay, so fore g in chocolate.....can anyone tell me why it's so much stronger when made in to chocolate? Amazing. I'ma do that again real soon.
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I think maybe it is because cacao contains mild MAO inhibitors… which can strengthen and lengthen a psychedelic experience?
Like June 21, 2023
solid, the cacao definitely could do that and more right, the heart opening properties might also be a thing. I wonder if there is also any lemon tek kind of action where the process of putting it into chocolate starts the breakdown into psilocin?
Like June 22, 2023
Great point. Cacao is acidic, so that checks out. Double threat.
Like June 22, 2023
That's the way I always imagined it works.
You'll lose your mind! Everyone warned me. I did it anyway. Not just once, but hundreds of times. Turns out, there right. I did lose my mind. Every last marble. What they forgot to mention was that th... View More
33 people like this.
What a great depiction of traveling hyperspace and the mindset you get from it
Like June 12, 2023
I feel you
Like June 13, 2023
Closest thing to rebirth. Haven't been there in too long. Time for another reset.
Like June 13, 2023
Like June 16, 2023
shared a photo
Who's a sexy bunch of grain devouring mycelium? I love this hobby.
Didn't wanna mention anything while it was still in a negative way,the health department showed up at my place the other day. Did a fairly thorough inspection. The whole time only inches from all of m... View More
15 people like this.
Karma is a force of nature. Your friend returned the love you showed him with the gift you gave them before. Love reciprocates!
Like June 10, 2023
Joey Green
I lived under the constant stresses of clandestine indoor grows for many, many years ...... WELL before the invention of charcoal air filtration where disposing of stanky air was always a high priority! ...... My go-to was often to tap into the hot water heater vent which then ejects out high up ont... View More
Like July 4, 2023 Edited
Joey Green don't worry yourself my friend, All is well,All is kind. I was surprised that I remained stoic during the ordeal and even more that it didn't seem to phase me at all at any point afterwards. My partners where pissing them selves though1f609.png I'll keep the hot water heater vent in mind . It's a... View More
Like July 4, 2023
Joey Green
Hmmmm ...... Sewage vent?? ..... if this is easily accessible, I would definitely give this a thorough investigation as it could easily absorb even the most acrid of grow smells! Better yet ...... just buy a really good charcoal filtration system and the odiferous worry is over! Lol Stoicism is an ... View More
Like July 5, 2023
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