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You wont believe it, but...
I just made myself a new batch of DMT eCig oil. I use to do a ratio of 1g to 4ml (1:4).
Curious I wanted to see to what concentration I could get a 50:50 PG/VG eCig oil infus... View More

8 people like this.
In saying that Im using a rebuildable rta so in terms of coils, not getting any clogging or anything like that.
Like July 24, 2021
CaLi Uso
Vg and yellow deemz is what causes it to re-x. Pg is a bit more harsh, vg is only added to dillute/flavor it. It depends on the person consuming it For personal consumption id rather have stronger oil that doesnt re-x, so i use pure white and pg 2:1 Personally my go to vessle is a PuffcoPlus pen ... View More
Like July 24, 2021 Edited
Cool. Yeah I had my 50:50 pg:vg infused for months and has no re crystalised so all good there. I will def try a new oil once I had my 100 trips worth from the 3g I just infused and see if I can get a higher concentration by using PG instead. Thanks for the tip, I appreciate it.
Like July 24, 2021
How many hits for blast off on your 2:1 ratio?
Like July 25, 2021
posted a trip report.
18 people like this.
Thanks , I've added, I think you means "Entheogenic Liberation: Unravelling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy to my list of books to read 1f642.png
Like August 4, 2021
yep thats exactly what i meant. Its kinda focussex on 5meoDmt therapy but the point about nondualistic vs dualist is rung home clearly without apology!
Like August 5, 2021
Wow! Thanks for that.
Like September 26, 2021
Wow the idea of this book. It no doubt plays on you subconscious. I don't understand or know if I want to.This is something I will think long and hard about.I feel like God or sorce or creators must coexist. I have a hard time believing that this world or world's are made be a single super being. I ... View More
Like November 21, 2021
When nature provides. Went for a walk by the lake. Wasnt mushroom hubting...
Few kg of slippery jacks and a few Amanitas for the visions.
shared a few photos
The next book on the list. Anyone read it?
3 people like this.
Gives me goosebumps and tears. The emotion put into that guitar. Amazing.
Like June 30, 2021
Thank you for sharing
Like June 30, 2021
Like June 30, 2021
Beautiful. When the video first popped up after clicking, I briefly thought: 'damn, Keanu Reeves plays a mean classical guitar.' lol
Like June 30, 2021
The REAL inception is coming.
Extended states of DMT. DMT on a drip? How much information could we get 24 hours in... 2 months in...
Would we be able to retain m... View More

Just something I threw together quickly since I can't draw laughing.gif
5 people like this.
Wheres the fuckin plug?
Like June 27, 2021
Its an example of what happens when you die and realise life was just an experience of many experiences and levels of consciousness. You look to the screen and see a count down for another try, and on the bottom left is *Karmic Credit*. You use your karma to play another experience until you run ou... View More
Like June 27, 2021
"Waking is a form of consciousness, dreaming is another. And yet this is what we can live for a thousand years but never discover, what we can theorize or speculate about and never ever come close to ... View More
3 people like this.
So true. And for most, even meditators and psychonauts this enlightened state is not even the goal. At times we can touch it , the ground from which all arises , the primordial mind, the non dual state that encompasses all infinity and has no centre. Pretty colors and complex ideas become like a pi... View More
Like August 1, 2021
“[T]hose who practice philosophy in the right way are in training for dying and they fear death least of all men.”
- Plato, Phaedo
3 people like this.
Provided they are able to recognize the limits of rationalism
Like June 27, 2021
Of course, every quote is taken out of the full context of the original texts.
Like June 27, 2021
"To go down to the underworld when you're dead is one thing. To go there while you're alive, prepared and knowingly, and then learn from the experience - that's another thing entirely."
Like June 27, 2021
Its like Carlos Castaneda wrote of bring a man of knowledge, one who “sees” will also see death coming and give it a final battle. Philosophy is a beautiful possession to witness in action.
Like June 27, 2021
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