July 22, 2021
Category: DMT
This post is not so much a trip report persay, as I have used DMT now well over 50 times now over a few months and experienced a lot on it. This is more about my experiences overall and what I have come to find DMT capable of doing, in particular when it comes to occult practices and the arcane world.
So, it is said that DMT can exaggerate your own personal beliefs at the time and show you what you're most interested in. For example, some people claim that they see entities from their belief system or religion and so forth.
It's a little hard for me to explain exactly what I am trying to say, as everyone knows, putting the experiences into words is beyond human capabilities.
When I first started using DMT, I use to get the open eye visuals, fractals and blast off into other dimensions that were too fathomable to conceptualise or to explain or even to remember when returning from it. But I noticed something interesting about DMT 'after' the blast off and coming back into this realm of reality. I noticed that the visual effects experienced were more than simple visual effects. It's not a matter of textures just moving around or your vision going blurry as if drunk and so forth. I noticed even the air around me had a certain glow, as if I could physically see 'energy' flow (energy being a word I am throwing in to try to describe, but it is beyond that).
So, my interest in occult studies began. Reading about freemasonry, ancient Greek mysteries. The experience of death and rebirth through use of entheogens and the likes. Reading about witchcraft, the arcane, magic and so forth.
With this spark of new interest and practice, I have found that my experience with DMT has taken a full circle. I seem to no longer be able to get a ‘breakthrough’ experience, which is the leaving of the physical body and travelling into other dimensions. Instead, I’ve been experiencing something completely different.
How to explain it, unsure…
I started the experiment by getting certain religious texts and placing my hands on them while smoking the DMT. As much as I could take in at the time before feeling like I could not handle more in the brain. Some of you know the feeling, you smoke so much, you get the anxiety, your thoughts turn on you and can quickly make you run in fear if you keep pushing the boundaries. I keep taking it in.
The reality as I know it changes, but I am still in this reality and in control of this physical body. I see the energy flowing in the air. I put my hands on this sacred text and then all of the sudden, a type of force-field for lack of better words, made of pure energy surrounds this book, literally pushing my hands away from it, ensuring that my intentions were clear and pure.
The emblem of the book lifts off from the cover, floating, spinning, shining a bright gold and the symbolism within it start to rotate and emanating energies. I see the energy flowing towards my right hand which is lifted off the book, through my fingers, feeling it flowing back through my body and out through my left hand back into the book.
I remember feeling all the pain and sorrow coming from the writer of this book and feeling that it was a true book written by a true divine being. I had tears streaming down my face, and I kept saying “I am sorry, I am sorry”, for not only encroaching on this text, but for what this divine being has seen of humanity.
I tried this with another symbol from another book just to be sure, and did not get the same experience or feelings.
On another occasion, I’ve seen objects around the room or on my bed move around. Such as objects changing position, or my bed switching from unmade to made and back again. Obviously if someone not experiencing the trip would be sitting next to me, they would not be able to see what I am seeing, as that would defy the laws of this universe. However, what if the object, or the make up of my bed were to stop at a position which I do not remember it being in, and when the trip ends, it remains in that position? As above, those around me would not notice it, for I am of the dimension/timeline of the multiverse of which they came from and have always seen the object in the position in which it was, but I, to them, would seem insane if I tried to explain it (so, hush hush, keep it to self). But for myself, I’ve simply moved myself into another version of the multiverse to suit what has been manifested in my experience.
And yet also during these occasions, the more I go in and pump in more DMT, I start to hear entities make themselves known to me, and then start to manifest in front of my eyes within this dimension. Again, anyone around me not in the trip would not see anything, but I for myself, see the curtains flowing, objects swapping position or blankets on bed being made or unmade, and then the overwhelming feeling of the presence of a large entity in front of my vision by the window, the shape of a type of spirit/angel/archangel. The overwhelming feeling of fear sets in as it starts to show, for it is not a vision in an ‘experience’ but in front of my very eyes, the petrifying feeling of realising that perhaps spirits between our dimensions in fact truly exist. I stop the intake of DMT, I meditate and let the feelings of anxiety subside and realise I may be playing with something currently beyond my capabilities, and opening the portals to something I need to train myself more for, before pressing forward.
So, what of this? What next? Obviously I still have an interest in the occult side of these entheogens and wish to experiment more in a much more ritualistic way, performing rites and chants and seeing where I can take it.
I will learn, study, and see what happens when I mix this with formal rituals, perhaps give it a go with such things such as practices of divination, including scrying. I will report back in time, but obviously I will not explain the ‘how’ behind everything should it work out, for, as a silly human, I have already sold my soul to those spirits for the knowledge with conditions and promise that I would not reveal the secret knowledge should I obtain it. That, would be left for you to research and obtain.