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This dude is fun ✌????
Happy thanksgiving awesome peeps, we have mush to be grateful for ❤️
Total dry weight 61.4 grams of Gt from first flush of 5 shoeboxes.
Pretty pleased about. Dont know if this is a little or a lot for my first grow but it will last me and my family a while ✌????
one fully grown mushroom is a success on the first go, 64g dried is fantastic especially first time around
Like November 24, 2020
Empress emergy i would have no problem consuming all of that in a short period of time i assure you one by one they dissapear almost as fast as they appear. Lol not quite that fast.
Like November 25, 2020
EmpressEnergy, i have struggled with imsonia for years and it started to lead to depresion, i started microdosing mushrooms a few months ago and it has helped me so much, i am also sharing these with my sister who is bipolar and microdosing has helped her get off her meds. There is a ton of stufies ... View More
Like November 25, 2020
These are 5 qt shoeboxes.
Like November 25, 2020
So I am looking for a new vareity to grow, i just did golden teachers and B+. What should i do next? Whats your favorite and why?
I am still new to this so nothing to hard please.
Thank you
I have fallen in love with BHT they have meaty stems amazingly bulbous shape fruit until the cap opens and spreads out, big healthy flushes and large clusters, very potent. what more can you ask for in a mushroom, have a look at at the background pic on my homepage picture, you will then understand
Like November 21, 2020 Edited
Go for Penis Envy. Its a mainstay for most growers. Potential for heavy, heavy yields and extraordinarily potent for a cubensis. Most would agree that it is THE most potent cube
Like November 21, 2020
Sladds, what is BHT stand for?
Like November 21, 2020
Busy day spawning tubes and pouring agar. First grow is moving along nicely. Hope you all had a beautiful weekend
Nic eset up, It must be wonderful to have so much space to work in
Like November 9, 2020
I own a microgreen business that is closed right now because of covid, so i have a great grow space just sitting empty...i had to use it lol
Like November 9, 2020
Like November 9, 2020
Hello beautiful people, my first time doing agar and plan on doing a tranfer tommorrow.
Could someone please circle the spots I should transfer?
I am a newbie and I am not sure exactly what I am looking... View More

Thanks Uncle Charlie for the fast resopnse!
Like September 11, 2020
@lovetogrow what uncle charlie told you? Im in the same moment as you were here. What are we looking for? Thanks!!
Like November 24, 2020
So i dont remember excatly what he said but basicly you want to cut a small part to transfer to more agar, the ropey looking stuff on the edges is what your looking for. Check youtube mycomadness has some videos on what your looking for. Good luck sorry if i wasnt much help lol i am new
Like November 25, 2020
Hello everyone, I am a newbie about to start my first grow.
I was gifted 3 spore syringes (Puerto Rican, Golden teachers & B+) the person that gifted them to me said i could inoculate my grains strat ... View More

I have watched the youtube videos on agar, i am still a bit nervous to try it. I feel like making the culture seems much simpler. Can i make liquid culture by just inoculating it with my spore syringe? I can only find info on making liquid culture from agar or other liguid culture. Thanks
Like August 14, 2020
You could always just practice making agar and once you can make it without contamimation and then see if you can elicit growth from a different source to test its viable. Then you can transfer the spores from your syringe. Thats my plan for the weekend as a complete noob anyway
Like August 14, 2020
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