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So I am looking for a new vareity to grow, i just did golden teachers and B+. What should i do next? Whats your favorite and why?
I am still new to this so nothing to hard please.
Thank you
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I have fallen in love with BHT they have meaty stems amazingly bulbous shape fruit until the cap opens and spreads out, big healthy flushes and large clusters, very potent. what more can you ask for in a mushroom, have a look at at the background pic on my homepage picture, you will then understand
Like November 21, 2020 Edited
Go for Penis Envy. Its a mainstay for most growers. Potential for heavy, heavy yields and extraordinarily potent for a cubensis. Most would agree that it is THE most potent cube
Like November 21, 2020
Sladds, what is BHT stand for?
Like November 21, 2020