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Lee Fleming

Male. Lives in Keswick, Canada. Born on December 7, 1989.
About Me
My birth name is Lee, but my soul name is Sage. Im a spiritualist who uses psychedelics as a sacrame... View More
LSA cultivation/extraction
548 Members
Lee Fleming
shared a few photos - with HappyKB and 3 others
Hey everyone, wow. What a year... Have learned and studied so much about mysticysm, wicca traditions, buddhist/hindu/tao traditions, eastern and western philosephy, alchemy, shamanism, lucid dreaming ... View More
18 people like this.
Have you read The Rose of Paracelsus?
Like September 15, 2020
Lee Fleming
LSD and Ketamine art
Lee Fleming
Stupid amphetamines, awake at 352 am...
Feel fine not taking them but my doctor says I need it for adhd but all kt does is wire me the fuck out... No more amphetamines. Im a quiet stoner and my minds d... View More

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