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Male. Lives in Lebanon, United States. Born on August 27, 1996. Is single.
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For a young dog he holds much wisdom in his eyes
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Animal Energy
join the furry trip sitters group!
Like November 26, 2019
I diddnt know that was a thing on here! Defiantly will
Like November 26, 2019
Has any research been done on the effects of psychedelics on peoples brains who have had several major concussions/brain trauma? I feel
Like i could be a good candidate for some research if this is a t... View More

Reliable/trustworthy source for mhrb? Ill be looking to make a purchase here soon to start my journey!
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EES or wakingherbs
Like November 25, 2019
T rex ophora
We have a “reviews” group. It could use more activity to keep things up to date. Chim in over there whether to ask for recommendations or if you have some! rootguy has good bark, hes a member here as well.
Like November 25, 2019 Edited
Anyone have any experiences with salvia? And would you do it again? I got my hands on some 60x, debating on giving it a go.
14 people like this.
Look into quidding salvia leaves instead of smoking extract! Salvia will reveal the cyclic nature of our beings on a personal level. You will see the wheel of life, the one you saw when you were born, and the one you will see befire you die. That wheel is you! We are eternal beings and salvia proves... View More
Like November 28, 2019
@human awesome info. Yes the video I posted talks about quidding! And I meant to bring that up. Someone mentioned that someone else should try eating it, but oddly it can only be absorbed through the gums. You dont even need to swallow it, just put more leaves in lol
Like November 28, 2019
maybe im thinking of the wrong word then, back when i used to do acid, evertime i dropped it i would get this feeling on the back of my tongue and in my stomach for just a moment, every once and a while i get that same exact feeling haha. And ill be working and staying at my friends h... View More
Like November 28, 2019
Human- could i grow a salvia plant my self and just chew the freah leaves off of it? Or perhaps (not asking where to purchase or anything) is it possible to buy the leaves already ready to chew?
Like November 28, 2019
5 people like this.
I was going to do gordo tek first but then someone told me about stb. Much simpler and less equipment needed. 5 pulls on 100 grams of bark about 3 grams dmt total.
Like November 22, 2019
Im in no way an expert though lol. This has just worked for me.
Like November 22, 2019
To contact "YESUM"? LET ME KNOW You my boy wotre this out. He's don't frequent DW much as he's a shroomery OG. But if you ever need to contact him. Hmu I can get a respone for you in 24hrs or less. But this is how i was taught. (~);} stay GRATEFUL Mush Love.
Like November 24, 2019
This is a simple and legit method. This is pretty much how i learned from the willy myco video on youtube. I HIGHLY recommend using a different non polar solvent like heptane other than naphtha. Naphtha is a mix of solvents and one of them has been banned as a carcinogen in California recently. Hept... View More
Like November 24, 2019
Easiest tek to use for DMT for first timer?
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Spudgun couldnt have said it better
Like November 22, 2019
Aunty Shroom
Straight to base
Like November 24, 2019
First time i extracted i used cybs hybrid atb salt tek. If you can follow directions you can extract dmt!
Like November 24, 2019
I find the 80/20 is fairly easy, and once you kinda understand what each step does it gets a lil easier. Good luck what ever tek you decide on using.
Like November 24, 2019
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