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Aunty Shroom

Female. Lives in Denver, United States. Is single.
Sacred Geometry and Fractals
302 Members
Physics and Metaphysics
611 Members
Cultivating contams
682 Members
Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Trippy toys and collectibles
119 Members
Spiral Dynamics: A value development model
293 Members
Psychology and Philosophy
Explain Your Name
133 Members
Natural OMT/Detox “withstand don’t withdrawal”
275 Members
Psychedelics » Plants and Cultivation
Occult Mysticism
403 Members
Ketamine fun
460 Members
Psychedelics » Other Compounds
Festivals and Concerts
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Music and Audio
Hey, i just wanna say youre awesome and people love you! I hope everythings going good for you!
3 people like this.
Aunty Shroom
Thanks my friend 1f642.png only just saw this ive been doing some intense recovery only back to reality today hope you're doinf well love you
Like February 9, 2022
well welcome back 1f642.png its good to hear from you!
Like February 10, 2022
Aunty Shroom
I'm starting to take steps my friends smile.gif I scored a job at shotgun willys (local strip joint) and I couldn't be more happy with this in place it shouldn't take me long to find a detox center or some hol... View More
15 people like this.
Good for you! You know the whole DMT World is behind you and wants you to get better. Stick to your plans and keep us informed on how your doing. Love and Light to you
Like November 20, 2021
Lucky charms
Stick to your goals hold your head high and true
Like November 20, 2021
Keep moving up! Even though we aren't perfect people and we fall at sometimes all it matters is how we get back up on our feet and fight! You are doing good and keep it up! Knock em dead!
Like November 22, 2021 Edited
Aunty Shroom
You guys are all the best im super greatful i can have you all in my life even if its through a screen
Like November 26, 2021
Aunty Shroom
On a lighter note here are some of my most recent kandi creations! The first pictures is an original design by me im pretty proud of its a glow in the dark swirly 3d ball star heart cuff (quite a mout... View More
26 people like this.
Do your use discord?
Like November 13, 2021
Check your dm
Like November 13, 2021
Nice works! That bra is super cool!!! 1f60d.png
Like November 14, 2021
I caught a cliff side rave and gathered some signatures to Decriminalize Mushrooms. It was a fun time I can tell you that much! Looking forward to more events.
Like November 14, 2021
Aunty Shroom
Just hangin with my amigo :3
Hello you humongous babies,
Its been over a year since I've made a post here and it hasn't been for the best issues friends. Over the past couple of years I had been severel... View More

19 people like this.
Aunty, I do hope you can pull yourself from all this. Its good to see you back on here. Know you have family here and someone will always be willing to talk or just listen. Sending you much Love and Light to help you on your journey
Like November 13, 2021
Aunty Shroom
username101 Yay! I love hearing other rabbit owners free roam their buddies ❤ people who keep em on a wire hutch outside need to be canceled
Like November 16, 2021
Well my friend.....I'll tell you this. Even though I have taken Macrodoses of mushrooms sometimes old habits just die hard. Fortunately for me it isn't substances anymore....I use to binge drink and mix it with weed quite a bit until my body said no more. Now I rarely do drink....maybe on occasions ... View More
Like November 16, 2021
As always*
Like November 16, 2021
Hey, thanks for the add
Hey thanks for adding me! I hope youve been doing good! smile.gif
Peace and love ✌????❤️✌????
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Aunty Shroom
Always friendo ❤✌
Like October 12, 2020
Aunty Shroom
New momma
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