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Psychedelics » DMT
I had an interesting encounter, That I still dont fully understand. I had a powerful entity encounter with no psychedelics in my system. It happened on sunday. I was broken human being. The last month... View More
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Congratulations on your progress. Just keep swimming!
Like September 4, 2020
@cosmicflow The surgeons you’ve mentioned, I too have experienced this through a couple of trips. With blindfold on in a dark room I’ve felt an alien force performing a dental cleaning on my teeth (twice) using my stones and shells. Where Id end up drooling like I would at a dentist. My intestines h... View More
Like September 4, 2020
Quitting smoking is not easy! Stay strong in the fight!! I quit cold turkey last year after smoking constantly for 27 years. The quit period was probably the worst 3 months of my life (before 2020). My sleeping patterns were really messed up, and I used to fall asleep in the middle of the day. Som... View More
Like September 4, 2020
posted a trip report.
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Also i am fresh out of DMT, will need to do an extraction, but until then im going to start vaping some nicotine until i get used to the proper method of vaping.
Like August 2, 2020
Honestly all my experiences are equally vague . The first 3 were the easiest to recall most details. I dont notice thc having any effect of my experiences
Like August 2, 2020
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Ok, im about ready to go for it. Evolve plus, ceramic donut coils. People have told me before they blast off on 2 big hits, how long are those 2 draws in seconds? 10? Or should I go for 15? Which i th... View More
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ive found the best way to do it (for me) is to dab the crystals like you would wax. you can measure out your dose perfectly and i was able to do 50mg in two big rips
Like July 29, 2020
Id try constant pulsing taking gentle pulls. Obviousky practice is key
Like July 29, 2020
I was thinking about giving that method a shot. I think my coil go too hot after about 5-6 second. When i first got into this, i didnt expect method to be so difficult. I thought my challenge was gonna be dosage, according to DR Strassmans math, 35mg would be my breakthrough dose, some people say 50... View More
Like July 29, 2020
I finally figured out what i was doing wrong. This time i had a sitter, who is familar with vaping. As it turns, i dont know how to vape. He saw my technique, and said im smoking it like a cigarette, tought me how to vape properly. All out of DMT at this point, so will be vaping some nicotine for pr... View More
Like August 2, 2020
posted a trip report.
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Quite often i dont feel like i got the answers i asked. I got answers to the questions that i should of been asking. As long as you think can handle embarassing yourself to yourself, not that you can actually be ready for this, you have a chance at learning something valuable. Just stay focused a... View More
Like July 30, 2020
Joey Green
When it comes to strong psychedelics like DMT ...... Im much more concerned and watchful over those whom are NOT anxious, experiencing trepidation or expressing fears. Anxiousness, trepidation and having some fear is not only natural, but shows respect and reverence. Those whom are full of bravado... View More
Like July 30, 2020
I like your point of view. I certainly respect. Im not goin in thinking ive got this figured out. There has been a lot of research and reading bringing me to this point. I know you can never be ready, but i think i understand the type of journey i am accepting.
Like July 30, 2020
Joey Green
Is one ever truly "ready" to face themselves stripped bare from the fascade we so instinctually present to the world and hide behind? Without the braveness and courage required to risk seeking out improvement .... we would still be living in caves
Like July 30, 2020
Hello friends. Been awhile since ive been on. Im back, hope you are all doin well, cant wait to see what you all have been up tonthe last few months, i still havent taken my journey of enlightenment. ... View More
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Astral Projection.
Ive only done it once, on accident( story at the end for those interested in reading it)
After that happened, it felt so real i had to research it. Thats when i learned about AP, ive... View More

Pre flight jitters.
Words of wisdom? Tips? Advice? Positive vibes?
With in the next 48 hours, i expect to hopefully be recieving my first breakthrough dose of DMT. Its been a long time coming. Much pre... View More

9 people like this.
I like that
Like March 31, 2020
@Buck you need any info on psychedelics; the walking encyclopedia has ur back.
Like March 31, 2020
Well this is the first for me when it comes to psychedelics. I fully understand, im jumping straight to the top. But i feel this is where im gonna find the answers im looking for.
Like March 31, 2020
Possibly man, set the right intention and set sail.
Like March 31, 2020
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My low dose introduction to DMT
First I would like to thank evryone who has helped me with their support, knowledge and love to get me to this point in my life. Im gonna put this here, instead of in a ... View More

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Thanks for the input guys. Jay, there is probably more low dose experiences to come, maybe aim for 25mg next time, i want to get real comfortable and familiar with this molecule befoe i aim for full break through.
Like March 28, 2020
And Derek, i did pre melt, based on suggestions on others in my previous post. Everyone has been real helpful. Really loving the Evolve, for me it was a very mild and easy to handle vapor using this tool.
Like March 28, 2020
Myco Guy
The last trip ai went on i was laying there and I heard the Omh vibration in my head. It was like a 1000 people were all doing the Omh at the same time. I swear I could feel me lifting. It felt like my whole body lifted a couple of feet off the ground. I knew it wasnt really my body but maybe it act... View More
Like March 28, 2020
Those letters omh probably describe it best me. For me it was pulsating, would get real low and come back up. But not real high. 2-3 second cylces in the sound. At first i didnt know what to think of it, i thought it could be a neigherbor doing something. But as i wore down it disappeared.
Like March 28, 2020
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I dont not have a good method as of now, im burning. I have seen this product mentioned a few times on here, and was curious of thise who use it, are you able to blast off with 1 good hit? Or need a f... View More
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Thanks again everyone for the useful info. This morning i have purchased my evolve plus and ceramic donuts.
Like March 22, 2020
It works for me i try get in 3 hits
Like March 22, 2020
Ive only used this particular vape a couple of times and it wasnt the plus, generally a ceramic coil is going to work better for deemsters, this is a dab pen
Like March 22, 2020
Definitely works great. I used a friends and blasted off with 3. Bought mine the next week and love it.
Like March 23, 2020
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