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Myco Guy
Myco Guy
Myco Guy
I'm so ashamed of my country this week. I'm ashamed of my youth and my government. I'm ashamed of the animals rioting and harming innocent people in the streets. I'm sure George Floyd is looking down ... View More
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Crusty Dabs
One way to affect change register and vote
Like June 3, 2020
Crusty Dabs
If you know somebody that doesn't help them to register and get to the polls
Like June 3, 2020
Crusty Dabs
There's enough of us that we could make change if everybody voted
Like June 3, 2020
I cant speak for everyone, but my friends and i have been voting. It should be helping, yet it just not enough
Like June 3, 2020
Myco Guy
shared a few photos
Got damn! Anyone order a footlong! This is gorgeous!
40 people like this.
I love your work MycoGuy you always have such beautiful fruits
Like May 25, 2020
5 dollar! 5 dollar! 5 dollar MUSHLONG! Ill take that with some sunchips and dr peppers 23 satisfy flavas thank you very much lol
Like May 25, 2020
Joey Green
My girl just said after seeing that .. "OMG that thing is like 30" long!" Yes, thats right boys, I taught her well! LOL
Like July 16, 2020
Myco Guy
Hahaha Joey Green! I've grown what i need for my friends and I so there won't be any new mushroom pics anytime soon I appreciate you though man. This really became one of my favorite hobbies. It just got to be too much timewise between that and work. Then I had to be extremely careful w... View More
Like July 19, 2020
Myco Guy
Well here we go
48 people like this.
Lucky charms
I checked my shop today the owner never heard of it and was amazed she put in an order for the shop lol then asked me to come back in a week and ill receive holesale price for the tip
Like May 23, 2020
Myco Guy
I've never used the bubbler attachment but I could see that helping with getting a bigger hit. Used without water of course for anyone thst doesn't know
Like May 24, 2020
Myco Guy
@luckcharms right on I'm glad your smoke shop dude can work with you. Mine say they will order something and tske my number and never get back to me then when I come back in they say they can't even remember what I'm talking about lmao! Let ke know how you like it!
Like May 24, 2020
MikeyAndJennie Floberg
Hope ya had a blast! Good vibes from new england, usa!
Like May 26, 2020
Brother can you tell me about mushroom? Because i have never used it.
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Myco Guy
Lol yeah I can do my best what would you like to know about mushrooms?
Like May 16, 2020
Can i grow my own mushrooms?
Like May 19, 2020
Myco Guy
Of course you can grow your own mushrooms you just have to be willing to put in the work. Anyone can do this.
Like May 24, 2020
Myco Guy
Well I've grow a few year supply for me and my friends and as much as I love mycology I have other passions too and not the space for both at the same time. I'm going for another PE grow then I'm dism... View More
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Fungi lab
Thats how i learned almost everything .. and with the proper training of the plants and good lights and enviroment. And guning in youre nutrients and ability to trouble shoot any issues you will be growing pounds out of small spaces
Like May 16, 2020
Fungi lab
I read read read and learned so much . Now im able to get an average of 1.5 grams per watt.. . Not perfect but its a good start
Like May 16, 2020
Fungi lab
Thc farmers is also a good one.. but i still prefer rollitup
Like May 16, 2020
Like January 1, 1970 Edited
Hi brother
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Myco Guy
Hello friend how ya doing!
Like May 13, 2020
Myco Guy
I've been binge watching Black Mirror on Netflix and every other episode seems to hint on the possibilities of life being a simulation. I also watched the new Elon Musk Joe Rogan podcast and Elons tal... View More
15 people like this.
You can find it on youtube for free. Jus type in underground lsd palace, should pop right up
Like May 11, 2020
"Disinformation" is just non controlled propaganda. I dont know anyone who knows anyone who has this latest virus. But we're putting people out of work over it
Like May 11, 2020
Mapping your brain to a hard drive would simply create a copy of your brain on a hard drive. It would still just be a copy of the data your brain stores. Nothing more.
Like May 12, 2020
Myco Guy
Same here fool&jester. I don't even know anyone that know's anyone that has this virus. I feel like this was an attack on our energy and emotions. Lock us away for months on end. I agree fakenameimadeup shows like that definitely get you thinking though. They get you thinking about this reality too ... View More
Like May 13, 2020
Myco Guy
shared a few photos
Took a few week break from all social media and it was refreshing. The work never ends though and for that I'm thankful. Hope you all are having a good day.
51 people like this.
Myco Guy
I originally had a cheaper humidifier in there for my last grow. It was a pure enrichment ultra sonic and it worked great. I noticed setting it up for this grow that it had burned out and stopped working from all the water the moisture that collected on the inside. The humidifier in the pi... View More
Like May 3, 2020
bro after i move out to NM i wanna get into this and extracting myself
Like May 3, 2020
My kind of jewlry store.
Like May 3, 2020
Myco Guy
Native_Humboldt thanks man For air I have a 6 inch clip on fan that runs 4 times a day for 2 mins each. I open the door up everyday to mist the trays also.
Like May 4, 2020
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