Mycology » Psilocybin
Who owns the dmt world Etsy account I really want a shirt from their bad that’s sold out lol but can’t seem to get anyone there to reply back to me. Thank you for your time if you read this
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People selling fake dmtw shirts?
July 3, 2023
I love the shirt that says D.A.R.E. Would not be proud of me today lol like the classic dare keep kids off drugs shirt
July 4, 2023
Just search dmt world on Etsy great shirts I have to say
July 4, 2023
They aren’t fake DMTWorld shirts. They are real shirts sold by the Instagram account with the same name as us, but their profile pick is a white and black eye looking thing. Our insta profile pic is the multicolored DMTWorld text. They seem legit. They aren’t selling any of the designs in our merch ... View More
July 4, 2023
Fam my small tub been sitting in the dark closet with the right temperature for a whole month and hasnt turned full white but no sign of contams. Should i just fruit already or keep waiting?
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First mushie to fruit from my graveyard lol he got a little too much sun temperatures over here are really hot
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How hot was it? I just made a similar one next to my porch but I wasn't expecting it to fruit for awhile but just curious as to outside fruiting temps
@hippietrippyjournEY3r it was about 90-98F outside with fair wind. I also sprayed with water at least once a day so it wouldnt dry out on me due to my outdoor conditions
May 25, 2020
Thats awesome! Maybe i will get lucky before it gets too hot