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Who owns the dmt world Etsy account I really want a shirt from their bad that’s sold out lol but can’t seem to get anyone there to reply back to me. Thank you for your time if you read this smile.gif
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People selling fake dmtw shirts?
Like July 3, 2023
I love the shirt that says D.A.R.E. Would not be proud of me today lol like the classic dare keep kids off drugs shirt
Like July 4, 2023
Just search dmt world on Etsy great shirts I have to say
Like July 4, 2023
They aren’t fake DMTWorld shirts. They are real shirts sold by the Instagram account with the same name as us, but their profile pick is a white and black eye looking thing. Our insta profile pic is the multicolored DMTWorld text. They seem legit. They aren’t selling any of the designs in our merch ... View More
Like July 4, 2023
Forbidden fruit ????
Fam my small tub been sitting in the dark closet with the right temperature for a whole month and hasnt turned full white but no sign of contams. Should i just fruit already or keep waiting?
3 people like this.
How did you get to this stage? what strain and grain did you use and the ratio of grain spawn to substrate and lastly did you put tinfoil over the top to trap the CO2?,
Like August 28, 2020
I still have to build the ventilation and misting systems before my tubs can go to fruiting, 7 days colonizing and I wont be able to do this until Monday, So eager to get started again after a total contam wipe out
Like August 28, 2020
So do you want to trap CO2? Should you cover with tinfoil?
Like August 28, 2020
I didnt put foil but didnt do that for my last substrate and it worked great bit of everything is covered tight and in the dark does the foil make a big difference? Either way i think im going to fruit it like im hearing here fam thanks
Like August 29, 2020
Day 4 harvest first flush of B+ strain and im so happy with results laughing.gif
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Great job!
Like July 14, 2020
Thanks fam 1f600.png
Like July 14, 2020
Look like little round sheilds doing a testudo...
Like July 14, 2020
Shield wall!!!
Like July 14, 2020
Day 3 b+ strain
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Like July 13, 2020
Day 2 B+ strain rye berry to bulk substrate looking nice i think
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So ive been off for a month since my last post. My grow got complicated and i had 2 contaminarions. Things in my personal life got stressful so i took a break to learn from my contams and figure out t... View More
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More flushes from my mushie graveyard im so happy and surprised more have popped up laughing.gif
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Thanks brother! @ALX8721
Like May 30, 2020
Like May 31, 2020
Found 2 more in my mushie graveyard today
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Like May 25, 2020
shared a few photos
First mushie to fruit from my graveyard lol he got a little too much sun temperatures over here are really hot
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How hot was it? I just made a similar one next to my porch but I wasn't expecting it to fruit for awhile but just curious as to outside fruiting temps
Like May 25, 2020
@hippietrippyjournEY3r it was about 90-98F outside with fair wind. I also sprayed with water at least once a day so it wouldnt dry out on me due to my outdoor conditions
Like May 25, 2020
Thats awesome! Maybe i will get lucky before it gets too hot
Like May 25, 2020
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