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Male. Lives in The Endless Abyss, United States. Born on November 23, 1998.
About Me
I am a simple creature of the void. Always willing to talk about dreams, experiences, anything one ... View More
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Some charcoal drawings from recently. I enjoy the simplicity and chaos of these patterns.
I don't know what I'm feeling at the moment. I find myself wanting for time to meditate. Recently, I've found peace in the making of small things. A carved wooden pipe. A braided leather bracelet.... View More
6 people like this.
Making art is a form of meditation if your intentions are meditative.
Like September 10, 2020
I am in the middle of a bout of depression. I believe something needs to change. My life has become too complex, and as I sit amidst all my worldly possessions, I cannot help but think that they are... View More
16 people like this.
Ive been feeling down recently, I dont wanna call it depression cuz its not that intense. I know it has everything to do with whats going on around me, but I cant fold. Do what you can to not dwell on it but also do not ignore the problem If you can fix it. Focus on improving on something, hang out ... View More
Like September 6, 2020
Congrats. Many don't even reach that part. Realize it deeper. Don't fight it, don't reject it, just be aware. Your change will come - be patient. Meditate on it.
Like September 6, 2020
Feel you, been going through it myself. In the process of clearing out things I had hoped to put to good use one day, but they were renting space in my head that can be put to better use. It feels good to shed, but can be difficult.
Like September 6, 2020
Im dealing with something that sounds very similar. I know something gotta shake before something breaks.
Like September 7, 2020
We are all food eventually <3>
On today's episode of "i can't draw to save my life"...
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Joey Green
Looks like me the morning after that date with that cute, shy, quiet girl who sheepishly told me "I like to get rough" .... and I stupidly and severely underestimated that statement! What??? TMI?? LOL
Like July 14, 2020
Thanks guys
Like July 14, 2020
Joey Green
Practice makes for as close to ones ideals of perfection as possible .... keep drawing as you have some raw talent you have yet to fully embrace
Like July 14, 2020
From simplicity; clarity
From clarity; peace
posted a trip report.
10 people like this.
Indeed sir i was glad to be there for it the fork and the darkness brought a whole new level of xp points to me and when i was in the darkness i had my eyes closed thinking im in the void as the vibrations were washing over me focusing on my breath the waves getting stronger in this kind of blank st... View More
Like July 13, 2020
For sure man I'd be excited to do that again and maybe get some incense to burn in there too just to accent those amazing vibrations man
Like July 13, 2020
Be careful if its a strong incense. Also if youโ€™re using a self igniting charcoal, iโ€™d light it out side until its finished burning off the surface. With your senses so heightened a strong smell can be very overwhelming. I burn frankincense when the energy gets too heavy in my home and i lit some wh... View More
Like September 10, 2020
That tuning fork idea has a base. I have a tibetan prayer bowl. I use it to welcome in my mushroom experiences when I go by myself. This was ejoyable to read. ... View More
Like September 10, 2020
Good morning all, I didn't sleep at all last night. How are you?
An old sketch, but my boi
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Eyyy Sacked-up gets it
Like July 11, 2020
Looks like he's happily jumping into the depths
Like July 11, 2020
Anyone else notice the swastika??
Like July 11, 2020
PsychonautNelly his arms aren't positioned correctly for that, and I did that on purpose. Because last thing i need is for people thinking im sending subliminal messages or something scary like that. Good eye tho.
Like July 11, 2020
Sometimes when a demon wont leave you alone, it's better to let them in. Make that fucker pay rent. He's on a one way ticket to WTF junction on Mr. Bone's Wild Ride! COME GET SOME YA POINTY-TAIL BI... View More
5 people like this.
Demons imo can only enter your body if u let them thats where free will comes into play u have to invite them in some way. And i truly belive i have multiple spirit guides protecting me and puting me on the right path. 1f642.png
Like July 11, 2020
Reptilian I believe we all have some form of guardian over us. However, in my opinion that guardian is not infallible. Thus, we must ready ourselves for if and when that guardian fails. Trust, but verify, my friend.
Like July 11, 2020
Shroomday I do believe that whatever has taken hold of you is not particularly benevolent, however it would perhaps be a good idea to reflect upon that feeling of comfortable discomfort. It's quite a useful state of mind.
Like July 11, 2020
Indeed that's genius. According to the old egyptian story of Isis, you get control over these when you get to "know their true name". She (Isis) made a snake to poison Ra, and in exchange for the cure asked Ra to reveal to her its real name, that she then used to gain its power to do other magical s... View More
Like July 11, 2020
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