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Nico Khasm

Male. Lives in Canada. Is single.
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Nico Khasm
Im attending my first ayahuasca ceremony tonite and i am having a mix of emotions of excitement, nervousness and fear. Ive been waiting a long, long time for this and the day has finally arrived!
11 people like this.
I would definitely be feeling the same way. I imagine it's hard to find anything that can keep your mind off of it. I wish you the best of luck on your journey bud
Like July 14, 2020
Its all a part of thw journey my friend
Like July 14, 2020
Nico Khasm
shared a few photos
Anyone use this stuff?
1 person likes this.
T rex ophora
I do when I’m backpacking. The msr whisperlite stove is the shit. Lol
Like July 18, 2019
According to some random poster it contains an antirusting agent. Not sure what it is, maybe the 1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene it contains. It is advertised to be a cleaner fuel, and actually they attempt to remove the benzene(washing it with water). You could email them and ask for a COA but they may not ... View More
Like July 18, 2019
I would say this is probably better than Coleman fuel due to them cleaning up the benzene. But do the evaporation test anyway.
Like July 18, 2019
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