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Male. Lives in The Endless Abyss, United States. Born on November 23, 1998.
About Me
I am a simple creature of the void. Always willing to talk about dreams, experiences, anything one ... View More
Magic Truffles
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Mycology » Psilocybin
Montana (Big Sky Psychedelic Community)
21 Members
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I've got a job interview in about an hour. Super nervous, but I'm excited to be back in action! Wish me luck!
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Joey Green
NOTHING is better than reaching for that brass ring .... and grabbing it! Congrats!
Like July 10, 2020
Good luck! 1f642.png
Like July 10, 2020
Absoulte legend! Congratulations!!!!!!
Like July 10, 2020
Congrats man! Fuck yeah
Like July 10, 2020
Time to indulge in one of my favorite pieces of modern media. Yall are great, ill see ya tomorrow!
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I've looked for this object for nearly four months. Yesterday, while at the store, I found what I believe to have been the last one. I cannot articulate how joyful this stupid golden pineapple makes... View More
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Joey Green
I meant .... Typical_Tito. Lol
Like July 9, 2020
Lol I catch what you're saying. And I don't think ill name it until I've had it for a while.
Like July 9, 2020
Lord behold the sacred Golden pineapple of Sponge!Who so happens to live under the sea!
Like July 9, 2020
Nice pineapple. When I first got to Florida I cloned a Pineapple and it took three years to pop. But, we had to yank it because the Cat 5 Hurricain would of sent it through our neighbors house. We were fortunate enough too have gotten 2 sucker that grew out of the original one planted. I had th... View More
Like July 16, 2020
Going through old sketchbooks and i found a gem.
This is my meditative focus. A perfectly round ball of jasper. Heavy. Constant. An anchor amid the chaos of life.
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Meditation time...
Like July 9, 2020
Like July 9, 2020
Meditating amongst the physical chaos that surrounds me everywhere I look... I find much of it overwhelming. The gentle blue-green hue of light bathing everything gives a sense of depth and character... View More
Sometimes i feel like a profound individual who is very poignant with his words. Other times I have a single braincell that bounces around my brain like a DVD screensaver. When the cell hits a corne... View More
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Joey Green
Humanity is like that no? Or .... as that old candy bar advertisement used to proclaim .... "Sometimes you feel like a nut ... sometimes you dont!" ... View More
Like July 9, 2020
AAAAALLLLLLMOND JOYS GOT NUTS mounds don't. That jingle is practically a mantra in my family lol
Like July 9, 2020
This evening I'm using to clear out junk. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. There is something very cathartic and refreshing about realizing you're throwing away things you thought you'd never ... View More
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At a certain point some things do become absolutely useless, in the way even. Fear of waste, fear of non completion are real. There can also be the wrong time to clear out junk, but when things in life are in harmony sometimes doing even heavy-duty cleaning is easy. It feels like everything is an ex... View More
Like July 9, 2020
So today I sat in my garden amongst my plant friends, the beans and the corn and the tomatoes and peppers, and I quieted my mind. To be at peace with nature truly is a serene feeling. Even the insec... View More
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