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Myco Guy
I've been binge watching Black Mirror on Netflix and every other episode seems to hint on the possibilities of life being a simulation. I also watched the new Elon Musk Joe Rogan podcast and Elons tal... View More
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You can find it on youtube for free. Jus type in underground lsd palace, should pop right up
Like May 11, 2020
"Disinformation" is just non controlled propaganda. I dont know anyone who knows anyone who has this latest virus. But we're putting people out of work over it
Like May 11, 2020
Mapping your brain to a hard drive would simply create a copy of your brain on a hard drive. It would still just be a copy of the data your brain stores. Nothing more.
Like May 12, 2020
Myco Guy
Same here fool&jester. I don't even know anyone that know's anyone that has this virus. I feel like this was an attack on our energy and emotions. Lock us away for months on end. I agree fakenameimadeup shows like that definitely get you thinking though. They get you thinking about this reality too ... View More
Like May 13, 2020