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Male. Lives in Bribane, Australia. Born on March 10, 1981. Is single.
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Hello. Mid way through life. Time for an existential crisis. Ha.
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I hate looking for work! Getting lazy sitting at home!
8 people like this.
1f642.png The simple truth
Like April 15, 2020
I cant find a fucking job for the life of me but i more than have the skill and a good resume
Like April 15, 2020
@DrRobGMO oh, you have the skills. If no one recognizes them maybe go into business yourself. LOL. You know..
Like April 15, 2020
Thats the plan stan, im hoping to eventually set up a biology supply company+ selling fresh mushrooms, i think ive hit the jackpot on an idea i got in my brain, im making a strain of yeast that will brew triptamines, i think i could potentially make a yeast brew “ayahuasca” with a MAOI gene sequence... View More
Like April 15, 2020
2 people like this.
I love the cold. I need to move to Canada!
Like April 12, 2020
Kind of serious actually
Like April 12, 2020
Sounds good. I close my laptop at night and kill 5 moths. Is Canada worse than that? I might just start Job hunting that way.
Like April 12, 2020
i'm 40 and can only do big plant SAP railway or supply chain. Well for the good money any how. I'm a builder, chef, chemist. surly i can get a job...
Like April 12, 2020
Some say this song was written for Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole and his wife. Yeah, I'm a big softy. So What!! lol
For you all.
Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and ... View More

3 people like this.
Simple words, yet deeply potent. Thank you for sharing.
Like April 12, 2020
Divining rods. For anyone looking for something to do.
Mine are made from stainless and work so try other wire that you have. Mine are also about a meter long. Make them the same as in the picture wi... View More

10 people like this.
@Earring I haven't tried pendulums. Got any good examples of them working?
Like April 13, 2020
Jagger, for water witching you follow the directions it's tugging you in. For other users, you can get clear yes/no answers. You can also use it to move reverse energy flow or facilitie it. It's an excellent tool..
Like April 14, 2020
@Earring, sounds like a ouija board to me. My family (cousin, sister and me) have had very independent and weird experiences with that. Not sure if I believe in evil but came very close experimenting with it... crazy like shot glasses flying accross the room smashing on the wall etc and spirits tell... View More
Like April 14, 2020
just like the div rods, it's not like a ouija board.
Like April 14, 2020
Primebark delivered to OZ fast and communicated well. I can see that they desire to build loyal customers through quality service and no BS. All round positive!
11 people like this.
Prime Bark
Thank you for your kind words, it is an honor to serve you
Like March 30, 2020
Prime Bark
We are open through the lockdown, please stay safe
Like March 30, 2020
Shaman Wizard
Prime barks the best for sure
Like April 1, 2020
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