Divining rods. For anyone looking for something to do. Mine are made from stainless and work so try other wire that you have. Mine are also about a meter long. Make them the same as in the picture with a bend for a handle.Ok, hold lightly in a park outside with no water pipes anywhere. They will be parallel. Now put a steel broom handle or pipe on the ground and walk over it. The rods will swing together and cross over. When you walk past they will straighten back up. Remove the pipe and try again. The rods will cross again because of some sort of 'memory'. This will fade as the 'memory' fades.Try it. It is very cool.
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@Earring I haven't tried pendulums. Got any good examples of them working?
April 13, 2020

Jagger, for water witching you follow the directions it's tugging you in. For other users, you can get clear yes/no answers. You can also use it to move reverse energy flow or facilitie it. It's an excellent tool..
April 14, 2020

@Earring, sounds like a ouija board to me. My family (cousin, sister and me) have had very independent and weird experiences with that. Not sure if I believe in evil but came very close experimenting with it... crazy like shot glasses flying accross the room smashing on the wall etc and spirits tell... View More
April 14, 2020

Jagger just like the div rods, it's not like a ouija board.
April 14, 2020