Wanting to learn as much as I can about mycology so that I can put it to good use and free people's ... View More
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Mycology ยป Psilocybin
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Large, shallow and square or rectangular cloth/smartpots already exist genghis and some may even fit your tent nicely ..... search online using something like "cloth raised beds" or "smartpot raised beds" and you should come across a few differing options.
I have a few 75 - 100+ gallon smartpots I u... View More
July 3, 2022
Hey man
I most confess that i am intrigued by your work, I love your pictures and i will like to follow you more on other social media platforms.
Instagram or Facebook
July 3, 2022
@<span style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;">SethWilson4 Any sharing of outside contact info is not permitted on public posts. That is probably why you arenโt getting a response. Check your private messages by logging on to dmtworld.net to check your private messages.</span>
What's the downside to spawning to bulk substrate if you have some bactrial spots?
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Yeah, the downside is.. theres no point using it if your grain is in anyway contammed. Toss that shit and use other spawn if you have it. Or you will waste more money and time trying to make it work. If youre not sure, spend some time learning & understanding the different types. It really helps.
Pull a good culture while you still can if its only spots and toss the rest. If thats your only culture you can try to pull a good culture from it but you certainly dont want to put that to substrate. You'll make your self or others sick eating that bacteria.
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Checking off goals one by one...Sprayed it with concrombium inside and out should help a bit, picking up shelves tomorrow and moving all the experiments inside tomorrow....
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Question: A DIY flow vent is supposed to reduce the air particles and contamination in front of the flow, should you spray the filter with alcohol before using it to kill anything that might have lan... View More
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GaiaGazing i got a box for now but should you spray the filter before with alcohol and let dry while on?
November 6, 2021
I've been fiddling with the idea of a less-poverty-stricken flow hood, but oof, my place is so tiny, I'm struggling just finding a place to store a 20inch boxfan + filter lol.
Trash bag is a good idea. I might try that.
November 7, 2021
If space is limited I go with an SAB. Works as well, if not better ime.
I don't have and never used one. I never thought about what you're asking. But I think if I were in your shoes I'd get a UV light. I'd hit the filter with the light for the amount of time required before starting work.
For the sake of argument, if you had contamination on the face of the filter. Jus... View More
2 MERV 14 20X20 FURNACE FILTTERS AND A 20X20 BOX FAN, WORKS GREAT AND PASSES THE FLOW TEST....Big week coming up...Agar, transfers for my first attempt...cross your fingers...
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It looks like plain ol myc piss. Jars sitting a little too long. Id use it.
November 5, 2021
I would do what Tripadvisor said. Use them by themselve only in a tub. Dont mix with any good looking spawn. This way if it fails its no problem. But you at least have a chance to get something from it
November 10, 2021