on March 28, 2020
My low dose introduction to DMT
First I would like to thank evryone who has helped me with their support, knowledge and love to get me to this point in my life. Im gonna put this here, instead of in a trip report, since there was no trip, just a low dose experience, taste test, and introduction into DMT
After 2 failed attempts, I bought the Yocan Evolve, I have recieved it and decided to test it out.
For me tho, I Believe I recieved a dose of around 10-15mg based on my dosage research. It came on very fast, giving me a brief moment of anxiety, that was short lived as a feeling of peace and calm washed over my body, and an inner body warmth that felt pretty good. Eyes open, I could see things looked a little more beautiful, and some things vibrated lightly. Eyes closed, amplified the inner body warmth, with inner body vibrations that felt great. Eyes closed also prodeuced mild colors and shapes that were too mild to properly make out. I also experienced a sound, but was not expecting that at this dose, the only way I can describe the sound, is a pulsating vibration sound, that would be a typical UFO sound for a syfy movie.
I feel this was a positive experience, and I was back to “normal” in 10-15 minutes.
More to come in the fiture.
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Thanks for the input guys. Jay, there is probably more low dose experiences to come, maybe aim for 25mg next time, i want to get real comfortable and familiar with this molecule befoe i aim for full break through.
Like March 28, 2020
And Derek, i did pre melt, based on suggestions on others in my previous post. Everyone has been real helpful. Really loving the Evolve, for me it was a very mild and easy to handle vapor using this tool.
Like March 28, 2020
Myco Guy
The last trip ai went on i was laying there and I heard the Omh vibration in my head. It was like a 1000 people were all doing the Omh at the same time. I swear I could feel me lifting. It felt like my whole body lifted a couple of feet off the ground. I knew it wasnt really my body but maybe it act... View More
Like March 28, 2020
Those letters omh probably describe it best me. For me it was pulsating, would get real low and come back up. But not real high. 2-3 second cylces in the sound. At first i didnt know what to think of it, i thought it could be a neigherbor doing something. But as i wore down it disappeared.
Like March 28, 2020