on March 21, 2020
I dont not have a good method as of now, im burning. I have seen this product mentioned a few times on here, and was curious of thise who use it, are you able to blast off with 1 good hit? Or need a few? Also open to any other tips or suggestionf on different vapes.
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File Size: 7.59 Mb
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Thanks again everyone for the useful info. This morning i have purchased my evolve plus and ceramic donuts.
Like March 22, 2020
It works for me i try get in 3 hits
Like March 22, 2020
Ive only used this particular vape a couple of times and it wasnt the plus, generally a ceramic coil is going to work better for deemsters, this is a dab pen
Like March 22, 2020
Definitely works great. I used a friends and blasted off with 3. Bought mine the next week and love it.
Like March 23, 2020