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Male. Lives in United States.
Expanding Consciousness: High Vibe Tribe
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My first acrylic painting
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Crusty Dabs
Tell me it glows in the dark
Like June 2, 2020
We are literally gods in human flesh suits, the medias job is to make you forget that. Also to make you think that you are that flesh suit. Your not the flesh suit!!!! Your the spirit wearing it. That... View More
13 people like this.
What is a god? A god is a creator. We can create anything if we put enough attention/energy plus resources plus time/which time isnt even real. We are gods we can be as small or as big as we want. We can give our power to others or we can maintain ourselfs. We can be evil or we can be good. Its all ... View More
Like May 29, 2020
Like May 30, 2020
Peace and love. I intended to give a belt to this homeless guy as a power object so he wouldnt have to hold his pants up as he walked. Didnt see him for so long that i gave it to another guy who needed it at the moment. Oddly enough i see the guy i intended to give it to, he stopped hangin’ out with... View More
Like May 30, 2020
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My mushroom poster in a snapchat filter
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Clowning around
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Areee those pitbull pupppppers awwweerrree im in love
Like May 15, 2020
Awww! Beautiful flush!
Like May 15, 2020
They are blue nosed old english bulldoggies. My dogs little brothers and sisters
Like May 15, 2020
Be still my heart.
Like June 3, 2020
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Micro dosing off this bad girl
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Jeffrey Loubouski
That might end up not being a microdose. Love it when that happens..
Like May 14, 2020
I thought the same thing once...
Like May 14, 2020
I just want to meet the aliens
21 people like this.
We are not them but we could be?
Like April 24, 2020
masturbate thinking an alien ur have sex saying you are an alien to your partner while sex to know
Like April 24, 2020
uuao uuuuuuia ououueo
Like April 24, 2020
I feel a close connection to aliens, even the reptilians. I feel like i understand all of their perspectives. I just want to share a conversation about out if the box topics. Im so “alien” to people that i cabt have a intresting conversation, with people who live near me. You guys are great though 1f642.png
Like April 24, 2020
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Wtf are these? They arent shaped like mush, but it sure give the same effects! The caps are like morphed into the stem
25 people like this.
Where does enigma originate from
Like April 12, 2020
Looks like penis envy blob mutants to me. Those changed my world man.
Like April 13, 2020
Trip A Lot
Enigma is a mutation of tidal wave I think.. mutation of something, I forget
Like April 14, 2020
Trip A Lot
Yeah if that's not enigma, it has to be ape mutants
Like April 14, 2020
Okay i just want to state some odd “coincidences” 5G goes up as soon as this virus breaks out. Over 100 major CEO’S stepped down from their companys including Bill Gates right before the outbreak. A b... View More
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Chris gill
No kidding right this is all getting super real and i believe its all a major plot to cause more fear, launch a public global government and control our every emotion via 5g i believe all us concious should assimilate in costa rica to be free from the control and buildanabsustainabsustainable eco
Like April 9, 2020
Chris gill
Haha mush mush mush
Like April 9, 2020
Chris gill
Hahaha fuck ya uncle charlie im with you!
Like April 10, 2020
Damn.. When I was a kid walking in forrests I used to stomp on amanita muscaria, because we were told by parents and taught in schools that if you eat at least a little bit - you will die. Now I feel sorry for my time lost lol
Like April 10, 2020
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