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Hello ppl! It’s been a while… I hope everyone is doing great in these confusing times!
added new photos to their album "Proyects"
shared a few photos
As I cleaned it to confirm that it is a stone, I knew that it reminded me of something…
So if you are not familiar with the Metroid Prime saga, in this dimension there is a planet which acts like a ‘vi... View More

3 people like this.
Or the nintendo programmers are hedonists, like us and are tuned into the many realms
Like June 11, 2020
That’s for sure
Like June 11, 2020
Btw, somebody posted somewhere that galindois need LOTS of FAE. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful day <3>
Ppl please excuse my ignorance, but does anyone know what this is? Is this one of the galindoi stones? I clearly know little about sclerotia :/
2 people like this.
Have you grown that from a Truffle?
Like June 10, 2020
Grown from spores using the same procedure I use for cubes
Like June 10, 2020
It was right at the surface
Like June 10, 2020
Vegan quinoa burger with a couple of galindois and acid blue juice ice tea for dinner :3
7 people like this.
Dawg its not even so much that im not interested in your opinion. Its more along the lines of "dont have something nice to say, then dont say anything at all". Theres more than enough opposition in the world. There are loads of people here who are vegetarian or vegan, who dont go around shitting in ... View More
Like June 10, 2020
I suppose that's a matter of perception. I didn't consider the comment in any way 'shitting' on anything or anyone.
Like June 10, 2020
lol I posted this on facebook acting like it was mine w same title haha
Like June 11, 2020
Thats the thing about diets and food. Everybodies physiology is different and theres no "right or wrong" way to eat. Its all subjective. Eat whatever makes you feel good. But we can all agree that refined carbohydrates is a death sentence in the long run.
Like June 11, 2020
I was just listening to this song as I suddenly decided to visit the mush realm. Perhaps they're related, perhaps not haha
added new photos to their album "Proyects"
43 people like this.
Great effin work!!
Like June 8, 2020
Thats a dope ass cluster homie! Nice work!
Like June 8, 2020
Sa weet
Like June 8, 2020
I've got a work interview in a couple of hours.. Wish me luck ppl! <3>
21 people like this.
Like June 11, 2020
Congratulations @Psynubis!
Like June 12, 2020
Crusty Dabs
Best wishes
Like June 12, 2020
Thank you, am actually happy about it. I said that i'll give my 100% so now its time to deliver!
Like June 12, 2020
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