New psychonaut here, more like psychoNUT, looking for anyone who can maybe tell me who, or what in t... View MoreNew psychonaut here, more like psychoNUT, looking for anyone who can maybe tell me who, or what in the hell I met, my one and only time smoking DMT! Lol. It was by far the best, realest, most profound experience of my life. I've also dove into psilocybin pretty heavily, because, well, I don't do anything half-assed. Haha. So I've taken several heroic doses and had a few "ego dissolving" experiences that were terrifying at the time, but anyway, ALL of this within the last 3 MONTHS!! lol. Yep, I'm that desperate.. a bad trip, or going mad isn't any worse than where I'm at now.... A 17 year long opiate addict, who heard about the power and success of psychedelics, especially psilocybin, to promote neurogenesis and regrow this fuqup a new brain! I have quit smoking cigarettes, after 22 years, psilocybin gets all the credit for that..I just knew I'd smoke till the day I died. So if it can help me quit that, then I see light at the end of the tunnel again. Again I'm hopeful. Anyway that was a bit about me and where I'm at on my journey. I've recorded some stuff and plan on making plenty of trip reports. I have a recording studio and will have a YouTube channel and podcasts up and running before long, so lots to be on the lookout for! Maybe it'll help some lost soul along the way :) Mush Lovin'
About Me
New psychonaut here, more like psychoNUT, looking for anyone who can maybe tell me who, or what in t... View More
Physics and Metaphysics
Psychology and Philosophy
So, my girlfriend, who has never done any kind of drugs, is going to take 5 dried grams tomorrow night for her first and "only" time. (She says she's only doing it once).. that's why I'm giving her 5... View More
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Trip A Lot
Ok so here's what happened.. we each drank 3 grams in tea and then an hour later, she drank 2 more grams.
She kept asking "what do we do?' Lol. I said close your eyes and go within, to stop clinging to this world, because at one point she asked "is this what you do, just fly from world to world, ... View More
July 18, 2020

Trip A Lot
ExMagic u bring several memes to mind yourself.. I still believe smaller doses are the more difficult doses, that's all... do you, buddy, do you...
July 18, 2020

I wouldn’t go above 3.5 for a first timer. Personally. That should give her a trio that isn’t overly intense, but where she will be able to experience still
July 18, 2020

2 gram doses are not piddle doses. Not always a threshold dose either. One day, the mushrooms will kick you in the ass on one of those doses, if they havent already. I completely unravelled with a 2.5 gram dose... it was stronger than an 8g trip i had. Depends on the day, depends on the mindset, dep... View More
July 18, 2020
Even tho my DMT experience made me feel an unconditional love from a purple and gold vortex of souls (entities), who spoke to me telepathically, as the vortex turned into a wall that slowly went away ... View More
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Not being arguemental so please dont take it that way but if u all believe that the entities are evil or demonic why do u want to use dmt or psychodelics in general? Because they will bring u to these places where u encounter interdimensional beings. I do believe there are demonic beings but i also ... View More
July 10, 2020
I don't claim to know what these things are... actually my experience is what I could and could not have imagined as God, or an angel. I think these things are so peculiar that recognizing their intentions is the hard part. I have no idea what's going on in the dmt realm, only that for some reason... View More
July 12, 2020
Listen to the first 2 minutes. You feel deceived when you don't get the joke, but once you get it you laugh with the jesters :-D
July 12, 2020
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