Just a southern, free spirit living my best life. Exploring and spreading love as best I can.
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23 people like this.
Congratulations! May you be blessed with the gift of life to protect and care for. Mush love!
Myomac, nah we back home now just spent the weekend up there. Thank you all, we are very excited
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Awesome capture!!
The contast of the brown earth against such blue skies with white, fluffy clouds , all buffered by the texture of those hills is visually stunning!
Me on acid and shrooms at my bachelor trip this past weekend, staring out at the lake. It was an amazing weekend and such a mellow trip. Much needed
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I prefer day trips personally. The outside is just an epic experience on acid...
Agreed, that was an amazing setting as well. Being right on the water was wonderful
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Thank yall! My artist is amazing i have no clue how he imagined this up so perfectly
I would take a wild ass guess and say he has done some DMT at some point
Nah we talked about it and he actually hasn’t he does L and mushrooms
September 28, 2020