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Female. Lives in California, United States. Born on October 12, 1993. Is single.
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posted a trip report.
36 people like this.
Damn that's a beautiful first shroom trip!
Like May 11, 2019
Thanks for the read, sounds like you had alot of fun??°??ž????â????the part where you laughed about your hair was hilarious. So after your first trip, was it like you always imagined??
Like May 12, 2019
It actually wasn't anything like what I thought it would be haha, but I enjoyed it either way. I've tripped a second time since then, because I felt as though I didn't get the life pondering experience that I wanted from shrooms, my second trip was really bad, I've yet to make a report on it, but wi... View More
Like June 23, 2019
That's the way it should be. Excellent \m/
Like May 28, 2019
Great work! I wish I'd kept track. That's a great thing !
Like June 25, 2019
Thank youu! I really feel i didn't need to write it down, although I did, it's still very present in my mind and I can re-access it any time I want. The mind is a truly beautiful thing. Try writing down your experiences in the future! It's really cool to communicate it with other people and see if t... View More
Like June 28, 2019
What's the best psychedelic to take for a spiritual experience? So far I've only done shrooms, amazing experiences but looking for a different kind of trip.
11 people like this.
I think it's very individual. I would say DMT ( expecially if it's taken orally because it last longer). I have had very strong and powerful experience using Ketamine .
Like May 13, 2019
I would recommend fasting with just eating greens, vegetables, and water for a week prior to have a spiritually experience, I had a dead head once tell me this and he said to take fish oil and 5-htp for that week also then take fish oil and 5-htp (100mg) the day off your trip and OMG the trip is 20x... View More
Like May 13, 2019
yep,, always did shrooms lemon tek prepped, 3.5-5g drenched in citrus for about 15-20 mins. then all in,, makes the trip more intense and compressed
Like June 28, 2019
You need to find your weakness and find the psychedelic that exploits those weaknesses and fears to help better you on your journey
Like May 13, 2019
For mee the best is 5 meo dmt from bufo alvarius
Like May 13, 2019
How many times should I do other psychedelics before doing dmt?
15 people like this.
There is no hierarchy of molecules. Do whatever whenever you get the ping. Trust your cues, the future tends to dictate the present
Like April 24, 2019
I'll say one is never prepared for DMT. However all it takes is an open mind, and no expectation. Hit deep, and hold on!!
Like April 25, 2019 Edited
Pedro Hash
This pretty much describes it. But some experience with Psychedelics migh help you get your shit togueder and navigate on other dimensions more confortably.
Like April 29, 2019
Well, each is a tool and serves its own purpose of transformation. DMT specifically is a bit more of a touchy subject because you are putting yourself in molecular communication with the universe, there is a bit more of a "ripple" effect. Also another thing that makes DMT a very touchy subject is, ... View More
Like April 25, 2019
Moonra Sundog
My best friend smoked DMT first years ago and has still never tried any other psychedelics lol
Like May 3, 2019
Going to trip for the first time, what would be some cool things to do while tripping?
28 people like this.
I enjoyed reading those responses
Like May 8, 2019
practice speaking in tongues before you do for later use. remember to sing.
Like May 8, 2019
Silly Simon
Nature is a fun and adventurous place while tripping. Can't go wrong with music either. Meditation while tripping is another great one.
Like May 8, 2019
Samuell Davison
https://youtu.be/TBikbn5XJhg this is amazing on a peak please try everyone!
Like May 8, 2019
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