by on September 10, 2023
Hello, me! It's the other me. I am yet just another experience that is reading this through my other eyes. It's me. I'm you. I have always been you. And I love you! Now... let me tell you a small story. A story about plant medicine and healing. I just came back from Ayahuasca ceremony. And let me tell you… this has been the best experience in my life I've ever had. Ayahuasca showed me what I needed to see and helped remove the blocks that I have intentionally put there myself. Ayahuasca unloc...
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by on August 12, 2023
As I wrote about a month ago, I have finally been introduced to Mother Ayahuasca. A brother of mine organized a weekend retreat on the Quebec, Ontario border. I had gone up the week before to help set up the yurt we were going to be doing our ceremonies in, so I was familiar with the land and felt a little less nervous. Friday: We left Montreal early in the morning and did a buch of shopping. You know, groceries for the weekend, bug spray, tiki torches etc. We got to the site fairly early and...
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by on July 18, 2022
This journey for me started more than an year ago when they announced this shamanic journey to confection our own Lakota drum. I got very excited about it but ufortunately they had to cancel it and it only happened an year after, at this last Saturday. We started the journey listening about the four directions, the animals and the elements that represent those directions and the different ways to play for each direction and the elements. We consecrate the ayahuasca medicine and started mak...
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by on June 18, 2022
Waking up after a night working with the ayahuasca in a beautiful Santo Daime ceremony. I never had a single "miração" (the sort of lucid dreaming state) that people report, never saw, listened or talked to an entity. The ayahuasca usually give me some sort lysergic visual trips, very energetic. I can sometimes see auras or even the prana in the air. Sometimes I feel the energy running inside myself, I feel my cells vibrating, the vibrations of the voices and instruments that are being played. ...
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by on May 28, 2022
I'm surrounded by them for life ever since I fell in love with Dimitri & Miss Molly. What the fuck? I started in 2017. Did a dmt trip last night. Felt amazing. But I came back to reality & seems like people who think they're human (mainly family) think they know me. I'm a psychonaut for life. Fuck psychedelic/psychonaut haters.... I'm a hypocrite though. I hate them. I only know this because of love. Ugh... DMT carts in the pic with a couple of MJ carts. I'm grateful.
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by on March 26, 2022
Yesterday I went again to work on a healing ceremony of the Santo Daime doctrine after a few months.  Most people don't understand why this beautiful ceremony has so many rules but mainly because it's hard to understand the universe from the energetic perspective. Every single detail of it represents a bit of the aspects it's built with deep purposes, from the reverence of the enlightened spirits that work in it, even the brew spirit itself, to the connection with Mother Mary, Master Jesus...
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by on January 6, 2022
Here is the website I built to show the results of my DMT research study setup as a visual catalogue.   ...
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by on July 7, 2021
I smoked dmt for like the 30th or more time two days ago I did some very pure amazing stuff better than I have ever had, but some very weird stuff happened in the trip. I died in front of my family and they were screaming and crying nooooo nooo nooo holding me and shaking me and I was sad to see their sadness and was trying to tell them it was ok but they couldn't hear me. I died and felt so calm and relax and I watched it all! Has anyone experienced anything like this? Then I came to and the ro...
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by on December 8, 2020
After spending the day resting and getting to know my new soul family of people who just yesterday I feared even conversing with, it was time for the second ceremony. By this point the rituals that initiated the journey were just a natural occurence, as if I had witnessed them performed hundreds of times. I felt peaceful, yet somehow apprehensive due to the intensity of the previous night's lessons. I meditated again after taking the first drink, and soon enough I was taken over by the familiar...
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by on December 6, 2020
I am a recovering alcoholic who will be 3 years sober in January. As a teenager I experienced much trauma that made me reach for alcohol at a young age to block it out whilst it was happening, and to forget when it wasn't. I didn't tell anybody, and knew the drink was a problem from early on. I looked into ways to stop, or at least cut down, and I saw ayahuasca almost straight away as an alternative "therapy" but the strongest thing I had tried was weed at this point, and some of the more trauma...
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by on May 16, 2020
Some time ago when I was working through various pharmauasca methods I decided to try out Syrian Rue with my DMT. Now I had tried several other methods with less than stellar results, so when it came to this one I ignored the tek instructions which stated to grind and boil 1 gram on syrian rue. I wanted some surefire results so I went ahead and boiled 9 grams on syrian rue, filterd it through a coffee filter and chugged it down. I expected this to be mild at the most and walk me to a smoother DM...
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by on March 19, 2020
My "shaman" is a friend of mine. A middle-aged dude from Brooklyn, NY who used to be a part of a ceremonial ayahuasca church in Hawaii.    We both agreed that the medicine was the teacher, not the shaman. We also both agreed that it should be taken seriously, but not TOO goddamn seriously. He agreed to supervise/guide me through the experience and was so kind to get the ingredients and make the brew. I have done psychedelics MANY times, but I was about to find out how this is in an altoget...
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