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Lives in New York, New York, United States.
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Tesla's Words: A Stunning Utopia of the Future is a 21st century adaptation of Nikola Tesla's autobi... View More
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This is a direct quote from Nikola Tesla's autobiography. PBS and BBC neglected to report in their films that he was hallucinating constantly throughout his entire life. For more trippy quotes, follow... View More
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Nikola Tesla is my hero. The man was possibally the greatest mind of all time. I just wish he was born 100 years later.
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I think it would have been cool if he was born a hundred years earlier. Maybe we would be a hundred years ahead of where we are now. That would be leaps and bonds.
Like April 10, 2020
imagine how different the would would be with 100% free electricity/power.
Like April 10, 2020
It already is, all around us lol, he showed us that
Like April 10, 2020
i feel you ... but edison stole that dream from him. imagine a world powered wirelessly for free.
Like April 10, 2020
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posted a trip report.
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Is the shaman from Brooklyn but born in Guyana by chance??
Like March 20, 2020
Good on you
Like March 20, 2020
@bencmcp He was born in Brooklyn I think. Has the accent too. My room mate told me he was walking around the Financial District and some rich guy walking his dog invited him to this weekly Ayahuasca party/ceremony that happens somewhere in Bedstuy. My room mate declined the invitation. I am mad at m... View More
Like March 23, 2020
Awesome, great share. Thank you
Like March 23, 2020
A quote by Nikola Tesla
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What does he mean? Like hes watching things render before his eyes?
Like March 10, 2020
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