by on March 26, 2022

Yesterday I went again to work on a healing ceremony of the Santo Daime doctrine after a few months. 

Most people don't understand why this beautiful ceremony has so many rules but mainly because it's hard to understand the universe from the energetic perspective.

Every single detail of it represents a bit of the aspects it's built with deep purposes, from the reverence of the enlightened spirits that work in it, even the brew spirit itself, to the connection with Mother Mary, Master Jesus Christ and some other high entities that accompany us every single moment in our lives even if we don't believe or perceive it (I was a convicted atheist until having a near death experience).

The hymns are so simple that, like the Tao Te Ching, became very hard to understand in depth because of all conditioning our rational minds received. They are not just a guide to help us to bring our traumas and wounds from our subconscious mind to be healed but are also a very valuable teachings to the path of unconditional love taught by Jesus.

It's not a self-centered ritual because we work in chains in a collective way, working in ourselves but also helping the brothers and sisters in their personal processes. It's also a service. The hymns being sung are also helping the disembodied souls that go there to receive the teachings to find a path to the light.

I can't express my love and gratitude to God, Mother Mary, brother Jesus, Saint Michael, Master Irineu, Master Sebastião and all other enlightened spirits that brought this beautiful and sacred doctrine to help the humanity in this Earth experience to purification and enlightment of our souls.

With my heart filled with joy, peace and love, I wish to radiate this energy to the entire universe. :relaxed::sparkling_heart::sparkles:

Posted in: Ayahuasca
11 people like this.
I’ve only attended one Santo Daime ritual and was turned of by the resemblance to Catholic services which I grew to see as lacking real spirit. I trusted the leader and medicine though and though I really didn’t understand the meaning of all the rules and ritual I realized I felt so protected... View More
Like March 29, 2022
religions are actually powerful tools to connect us with God that is actually inside ourselves. I was spiritually guided to an ayahuasca fraternity and they worked with three lines, the Umbanda, the Santo Daime doctrine and the Shamanism. The shamanic rituals were always my favourites but th... View More
Like March 30, 2022
I can see that for sure. Ultimately I guess the plant is the teacher and the only other time I’ve met her was when I did it with the assistance of a friend both times were equally outstanding!
Like March 30, 2022
She's a lovely and patient teacher, And what I'm seeing in the doctrine is that it helps us a lot to understand her and the lessons she brings. It's really a beautiful instrument to connect us back to our divinity. 2665.png
Like March 30, 2022