by on May 16, 2020

Some time ago when I was working through various pharmauasca methods I decided to try out Syrian Rue with my DMT. Now I had tried several other methods with less than stellar results, so when it came to this one I ignored the tek instructions which stated to grind and boil 1 gram on syrian rue. I wanted some surefire results so I went ahead and boiled 9 grams on syrian rue, filterd it through a coffee filter and chugged it down. I expected this to be mild at the most and walk me to a smoother DMT consumption experience. About 40 minutes later, I have not taken any DMT but I am tripping balls. But this is ugly. The most horrid, dark, dull visuals with playschool simplistic geometric designs like sunburst lines and colored stripes. All of which are dull and matte colored. A heavy darkness surrounded it all, I was woosy, nausous and proceeded to puke my guts out for a constant two hours with the once in a while bowel ejection to mix in, all while feeling a horrid darkness and clear presences around me. In between puking when I had a brief moment to breath I would consider taking the DMT. Maybe it would take me out of this ugly situation. Take my mind off of the undesirable feeling I had, but then my better judgment would say no. This is the absolute worst time to enter THAT realm. And then the most sinister and evil sounding hissing voice would say "Take it! Now is the time!". Contemplating this influence as my stomach convulsed in agony, at this point puking pure water, I was so empty. I commanded the presence to leave me. I commanded the dark feeling away and stood my ground in that command. And the experience began to fade and weaken. Suffice to say, I will never take syrian rue again. The body purge is next level compared to the most purging ayahuasca ceremony.

17 people like this.
Im sorry to hear that, i do rue + shrooms a lot and find that the rue keeps me so sobber that i can take as much mushroom i want. Its a teacher and it just gave you a lesson you shouldnt take so much as if it was nothing. Maybe 1/10 of that dose next time could be totally different and positive. Jus... View More
Like May 28, 2020
And proud of you for holding your ground, sensing something dark and pushing it away. Thats what shamanism is all about. I had something similar on a high dose of mushroom and repeated “this is a house of light and love, your not welcome here, go away” for a few hours...
Like May 28, 2020
syrian rue should be taken with caution. it can have its benefits , but it is also a wild card.
Like June 11, 2020
I have read of several dozens of people experimenting with syrian rue and DMT, explaining the same/similar feelings of something Dark/evil etc, I wonder if there is a connection or an awareness for some of us that may have darkness in our lives or dark "passengers" whether it be addiction, depressio... View More
Like July 29, 2022