ID on these mushies? I'm hoping its some type of Ganoderma. Found in QLD, Australia (South east cost) on a dead tree. Polypore of some kind.
Please make sure you have prepared a good setting (and mindset) before taking any psychedelic. I know this is common knowledge but let me share my experience when i didn't abide by these rules.One tim... View MorePlease make sure you have prepared a good setting (and mindset) before taking any psychedelic. I know this is common knowledge but let me share my experience when i didn't abide by these rules.One time i was tripping on lsd at a friend's house. No ill intentions with this next statement but, the house is not the cleanest and theres a lot of dog hair on the furniture. Anyways while i was coming down, i decided I'd smoke a small pipe of ganja to enjoy the last couple hours of my trip. However, when I looked in the mirror mid smoke, i felt terrible. Everything in the room was a monotone colour of grey, with hair and dirt everywhere, and here i was smoking out of a pipe. I felt like i was a dirty drug addict in a crack den. I looked at my face and it began to swell with hallucinations of pimples and acne and i just felt horrible. This sort of ruined the rest of my night as i went through all kinds of negative thought loops. Of course I've listened to some and applied them to my new perspective, but a lot of it was unnecessary anxiety.Anyway that's my PSA on the importance of setting and why you should always pick somewhere you're comfortable to trip in! Thanks for reading 
April 23, 2020
Category: Other Psychedelics
So bicycle day happens to fall on the same date as my best friends birthday, so this year we decided to have an lsd trip with two other friends while riding around on bikes to commemorate Hoffman.
We drop at about 6pm and begin our journey to a quite, dark field so we could be creatures and stare into the star-filled sky. After we arrive, we sit and listen to music as the acid begins to take over.
This is were the first issue happens. We decided to play catch with a rugby ball as we were coming up and it was hilarious because no one could catch it due to everything beginning to swirl in a mass of colours. Next minute, one of our friends throws it extremely high and another tries to catch it. Immediately upon impact theres a loud snap and he lets out a small yelp. We come closer and look at his pinky finger and realise its broken. Fuck. However, it was only the start of the night so he ignores the pain and we soldier on.
Now the next problem. I decide that it's time for a bike ride around the block so broken finger friend and i hop on the bikes and begin to pedal. After I ride about 30 meters, i hear another loud snap and now my bikes no longer moving. I pull out my flashlight and see that the bike chain has completely broken in 2. Fuck, again. Now we've got 4 trippers and only 3 bikes. This was a bit of an obstacle however we worked around it and tripped on.
We trip for a few hours in the field listening to music and trading bikes so everyone can have a ride. Eventually we decide to go home. We call a sober friend to pickup the broken bike and he swiftly arrives.
I start to ride another bike over to the car to prepare to leave but i notice it sounds really weird. As i pull into the light, i can now see that the entire back wheel is flat. Fuck, again, again. So now we have 4 trippers, a broken finger and two unusable bikes.
We chuck three of the bikes into the car however only 3 of us can fit, so the birthday boy says he'll ride home by himself and we'll get dropped home (we were close to the house anyway so riding by himself didn't seem like a big deal. In hindsight we definitely shouldn't of let him go by himself.).
He rides off and we all hop in the car. We're driving for about 60 seconds and then we see him standing at the side of the road walking along side the bike. We pull over to see whats up and he immediately says "I've broke my arm!" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. This is one of the worst things that could've happened. Anyway i take the bike and ride home by myself while he gets in the car.
Apparently he was riding in pitch black darkness when all of a sudden there was a flash of pure white then a surge of adrenaline and pain, he doesn't know how he crashed.
When i got back to the house, they're examining his shoulder in the light. It looked as if it was dislocated and he couldn't move it without wincing in pain. Long story short, we called an ambulance and he got taken to hospital while still tripping balls. He never told the doctors that he was an acid and he swears no one ever found out which was pretty funny to imagine. The verdict was a torn A.C. (collar bone sepreated from shoulder blade) and he's now in a sling.
After coming back from the hospital at about 2am, he said to us that he felt like it was meant to happen and he doesnt regret anything, the power of acid.
So yeah, you could say it was an eventful night.
TLDR; Took LSD and rode bikes. Two bikes broke, someone broke their finger, and another tore their A.C.
Hey, can anyone me help identify these mushrooms please? Pretty certain they arent magic would just like to know the name, thanks! They have white/beige gills, no ring around the stem and produce brow... View MoreHey, can anyone me help identify these mushrooms please? Pretty certain they arent magic would just like to know the name, thanks! They have white/beige gills, no ring around the stem and produce brown spores.
Does anyone know a good combination of vitamins/supplements to avoid an mdma comedown?
Asking for a friend...
If you break you're arm, you don't say "I'm broken," you say "My arm is broken." But when you sense a feeling of anger, you say "I'm angry."Try to seperate yourself from your thought patterns and don'... View MoreIf you break you're arm, you don't say "I'm broken," you say "My arm is broken." But when you sense a feeling of anger, you say "I'm angry."Try to seperate yourself from your thought patterns and don't identify with them.You are not your thoughts.
October 18, 2019
Category: Other Psychedelics
This was just a small portion of my very intense trip but it sticks out the most to me.
I was sitting on my friends trampoline that is placed next to a large open forest and was scrolling through my phone as I was extremely fascinated with the way it worked and how the screen moved. All of a sudden, I could feel something or someone trying to get my attention. There was no sound but I could just FEEL a presence trying to communicate with me. So I dropped my phone next to me and turned around to face the forest and realised the thing that was trying to get my attention was the trees!
At the end of each branch and at the end of each leaf was an eye looking at me and every eye had three triangle like green protrusions spiraling out in a Fibonacci pattern. It was just this crazy realisation/confirmation that yes nature is alive and yes nature is conscious of our being. It was a wonderful reality check!
To those who microdose (mushies or lsd): I'm interested to know if you feel slowed down or even sad when you run out of supply and have to skip a few days. Wanting to start myself but I'm worried that... View MoreTo those who microdose (mushies or lsd): I'm interested to know if you feel slowed down or even sad when you run out of supply and have to skip a few days. Wanting to start myself but I'm worried that if I run dry will my body just crave more?
What Humphrey Osmond wrote to Aldous Huxley in 1956, being the first to fabricate the word 'psychedelic'.
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