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ID on these mushies? I'm hoping its some type of Ganoderma. Found in QLD, Australia (South east cost) on a dead tree. Polypore of some kind.
Please make sure you have prepared a good setting (and mindset) before taking any psychedelic. I know this is common knowledge but let me share my experience when i didn't abide by these rules.
One tim... View More

posted a trip report.
15 people like this.
LSD not only make things seems weird- it make weird things happen!
Like April 23, 2020
Very true!
Like April 23, 2020
After reading your story my first thought was danm i want to try some lsd. Lol
Like April 23, 2020
Thanks for the share yo this is hilarious
Like April 25, 2020
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Hey, can anyone me help identify these mushrooms please? Pretty certain they arent magic would just like to know the name, thanks! They have white/beige gills, no ring around the stem and produce brow... View More
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Are the gills themselves chocolate brown?
Like February 28, 2020
No the gills are very light in colour, similar to beige
Like February 28, 2020
Any bruising?
Like February 28, 2020
No bruising
Like February 29, 2020
Does anyone know a good combination of vitamins/supplements to avoid an mdma comedown?
Asking for a friend...
2 people like this.
If you find one let me know to. Hahaha
Like November 7, 2019
Windswept Eyes
Magnesium and 5htp both available in health food stores and online. I like solgar bit pricey :-) Magnesium on the day for muscle cramps and clenching and 5htp day after to help with the blues
Like November 7, 2019 Edited
You cant avoid a MDMA comedown but you can make it a lot smoother with cannabis. Magnesium is supposed to help prevent jaw jacking and cheek chewing. Stay hydrated. Avoid stimulants. Dont overheat.
Like November 7, 2019
If you break you're arm, you don't say "I'm broken," you say "My arm is broken."
But when you sense a feeling of anger, you say "I'm angry."
Try to seperate yourself from your thought patterns and don'... View More

2 people like this.
What the f u uu <
Like October 29, 2019
When I say you're making me angry it's actually me that's making myself angry it's about self-control patience and tolerance of others
Like October 29, 2019
I have broken my sense of anger right?
Like October 29, 2019
Thats exactly it Randall. Not saying that you shouldnt identify with ANY of your thoughts, but by being able to view them from a different perspective and decide which thoughts are worth acting upon, youre life can become a lot calmer. But Im still learning this myself and I'm finding its definitely... View More
Like October 29, 2019
posted a trip report.
To those who microdose (mushies or lsd): I'm interested to know if you feel slowed down or even sad when you run out of supply and have to skip a few days. Wanting to start myself but I'm worried that... View More
What Humphrey Osmond wrote to Aldous Huxley in 1956, being the first to fabricate the word 'psychedelic'.
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